Game action

Planetbase Achievements

Here is the full list of all 30 Planetbase achievements.

  • Space Farmer

    Have at least 20 Vegetable boxes in your base at any given time

  • Capitalist

    Have at least 1000 Coins in your base at any given time

  • Cyber Miner

    Have at least 6 Driller Bots and 2 operational Mines at any given time

  • Robo Colony

    Build a base with at least 100 colonists, with at least 25% of Bots

  • High Spirits

    Build a base with at least 100 colonists and 95% welfare ratio

  • Stargazer

    Have 5 operational Telescopes at any given time

  • Steel Dome

    Have 3 operational lasers, telescopes and telescope consoles at any given time

  • Express Outpost

    Build a base with at least 100 colonists in less that 30 days