Planetbase Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 Planetbase achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 30 Offline Mode 30 Single Player 22 Shop 4 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Planetary ApprenticeComplete tutorial Link to the futureBuild two structures and connect them Space FarmerHave at least 20 Vegetable boxes in your base at any given time CapitalistHave at least 1000 Coins in your base at any given time 1 guideCyber MinerHave at least 6 Driller Bots and 2 operational Mines at any given time Robo ColonyBuild a base with at least 100 colonists, with at least 25% of Bots High SpiritsBuild a base with at least 100 colonists and 95% welfare ratio StargazerHave 5 operational Telescopes at any given time Steel DomeHave 3 operational lasers, telescopes and telescope consoles at any given time Express OutpostBuild a base with at least 100 colonists in less that 30 days Express ColonyBuild a base with at least 250 colonists in less that 60 days HoarderFill a Massive Storage to more than 90% MegastructuresBuild all massive structures Police StateHave at least 20 armed Guards in your base at any given time Genetic EngineerBuild a GM tomato and GM onion pad Desert LandingLand on the desert planet Frozen LandingLand on the frozen planet Moon LandingLand on the gas giant moon Desert BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the desert planet Frozen BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the frozen planet Moon BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the moon planet OverpopulationBuild a base with at least 350 colonists Hyper MegalomaniacBuild monoliths on all planets Absolute DominationComplete all milestones on all planets Storm Landing Storm Base Challenger Hyper Challenger Express Starport Express Dark Colony