Pixel Galaxy Achievements Here is the full list of all 127 Pixel Galaxy achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Master of the GalaxyCollect all achievements Pixel RecruitComplete Tutorial 1 Hide adsPixel SpecialistComplete Tutorial 2 The Easiest ChallengeDefeat Easiest An Easier ChallengeDefeat Easier That Was EasyDefeat Easy Just a Normal DayDefeat Normal Even More NormalDefeat Normaler That's Not Normal!Defeat Normalest Easiest DodgingDefeat Passive Easiest Easier DodgingDefeat Passive Easier Easy DodgingDefeat Passive Easy Normal DodgingDefeat Passive Normal Skillful DodgingDefeat Passive Normaler How Did You Survive?Defeat Passive Normalest Easiest Long LastingGet to 1000 secs on Easiest From Pixel To GalaxyDefeat the Galaxy on Easiest The PixelDefeat The Pixel The BlackholeDefeat The Blackhole The BaronDefeat The Baron The DiseaseDefeat The Disease The RadianceDefeat The Radiance The ChariotDefeat The Chariot The SonarDefeat The Sonar The CowardDefeat The Coward The RainbowDefeat The Rainbow The BladeDefeat The Blade The NovaDefeat The Nova The ArcadeDefeat The Arcade The FrameworkDefeat The Framework The SerpentDefeat The Serpent The StormDefeat The Storm The BlossomDefeat The Blossom The GalaxyDefeat The Galaxy Defender Of The GalaxyDefeat all bosses GladiatorDefeat a boss in Colosseum Mode GladiatorerDefeat half of the bosses in Colosseum Mode GladiatorestDefeat all of the bosses in Colosseum Mode Pixel PusherDefeat the Pixel in record time in Colosseum Mode Void VanquisherDefeat the Blackhole in record time in Colosseum Mode Robber BaronDefeat the Baron in record time in Colosseum Mode Disease DestroyerDefeat the Disease in record time in Colosseum Mode Radiant RivalDefeat the Radiance in record time in Colosseum Mode Chariot ChampionDefeat the Chariot in record time in Colosseum Mode Sonar SoldierDefeat the Sonar in record time in Colosseum Mode Coward ContenderDefeat the Coward in record time in Colosseum Mode Rainbow RaiderDefeat the Rainbow in record time in Colosseum Mode Blade BasherDefeat the Blade in record time in Colosseum Mode Nova KnightDefeat the Nova in record time in Colosseum Mode Arcade AvengerDefeat the Arcade in record time in Colosseum Mode Framework FighterDefeat the Framework in record time in Colosseum Mode Serpent SlayerDefeat the Serpent in record time in Colosseum Storm ChaserDefeat the Storm in record time in Colosseum Blossom ButcherDefeat the Blossom in record time in Colosseum Galaxy GuardianDefeat the Galaxy in record time in Colosseum WhoopsRestart 10 Times Once More With FeelingRestart 100 Times Persistence is PixelRestart 1000 Times It's a Hit!Destroy 100 pixels GunslingerDestroy 500 pixels SharpshooterDestroy 1000 pixels Savy SniperDestroy 2000 pixels Master MarksmanDestroy 5000 pixels Ace AssassinDestroy 10000 pixels Deadshot DevilDestroy 50000 pixels Pixel ExecutionerDestroy 100000 pixels You've Got PixelsCollect 100 pixels The Buddy SystemCollect 500 pixels Friends ForeverCollect 1000 pixels Companion QuadsCollect 2000 pixels Pixel HoarderCollect 5000 pixels So Many PixelsCollect 10000 pixels All the PixelsCollect 20000 pixels Everything Is PixelCollect 50000 pixels Speedy QuickHave 10 Speed Pixels on your ship Fast as LightningHave 20 Speed Pixels on your ship InvincibleHave 10 Shield Pixels on your ship Can't Touch ThisHave 20 Shield Pixels on your ship Go Team Pixel!Build a ship 111 pixels big We Are the Galaxy!Build a ship 150 pixels big Sleek and NarrowBuild a ship 10 pixels long Spanning the GalaxyBuild a ship 20 pixels long ShipShapeBuild a perfect 3x3 square ship ShipShaperBuild a 7x1 ship ShipShapestBuild a perfect cross ship New Low Score!Die within ten seconds 1 guideYou're Supposed to AVOID BulletsDie within five seconds 1 guideRektDie to a Bomb ShrectDie to a Bullet Barrier Slicy SabreCollect a firestick Dual BladedCollect a double-sword Tunnel of LoveCollect a bullet tunnel Bzzzzaaaauuuu!Collect a laser Gimme a Hug!Collect a pincher Savy SpinnerRotate 50 Times in a game Maneuvering MasterRotate 200 Times in a game Pixel PatienceTime out a boss Knock Out!Kill a boss in 5 seconds Don't Need No FriendsGet to a boss with less than 10 pixels Fifty FiftyStay over 50 pixels large for 50 seconds Sizable ShipBuild a ship to 100 pixels on Easiest Broad BargeBuild a ship to 80 pixels on Easier Powerful PlaneBuild a ship to 75 pixels on Easy Vast VesselBuild a ship to 60 pixels on Normal Colossal CraftBuild a ship to 50 pixels on Normaler Advanced AircraftBuild a ship to 30 pixels on Normalest Cannonball!Collect a large bullet weapon TsssssssssssCollect a divider From Easier to NormalGet to 400 seconds on Easier From Easy to NormalerGet to 400 seconds on Easy From Normal to NormalerGet to 200 seconds on Normal From Normaler to NormalestGet to 200 seconds on Normaler From Normalest to InfinityGet to 200 seconds on Normalest Pixel UndertimeGet a total score of 1000 seconds Stop! Pixel TimeGet a total score of 2000 seconds Pixel Now and ForeverGet a total score of 3000 seconds The MimicDefeat The Mimic Mimic ManiacDefeat the Mimic in record time in Colosseum The DestructionDefeat The Destruction Feel the RushGet halfway through Boss Rush Crush the RushComplete Boss Rush Pixel PacifistComplete all Passive difficulties Destruction DefenderDefeat the Destruction in record time in Colosseum Creation CavalierDefeat the Creation in record time in Colosseum The CreationDefeat The Creation Pixel PurgatoryGet a total score of 2500 seconds Pixel OvertimeGet a total score of 1500 seconds