

Game action

Pickers Achievements

Here is the full list of all 40 Pickers achievements.

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  • Tinkerer

    Combine two items to create something new

  • Haggler

    Buy an item at less than 75% of the asking price

  • Auctioneer

    Make a 300% profit in an auction

  • Charismatic

    End a day with two or more characters liking you (in green)

  • Trendy

    Buy and sell an item from the Hot Category

  • Crafty Collector

    Create 10 new items using the combine tool

  • Fire Sale

    Auction 20 items for a profit

  • Trend Setter

    Buy and sell 20 items from the Hot Category

  • Contract Picker

    Complete 5 unique hidden object scenes

  • Sharp Eye

    Complete each hidden object game without using the scanner

  • Thorough Picker

    Complete each hidden object game without using any hints

  • Key Keeper

    Collect 40 keys to unlock Unlimited Hidden Object Mode

  • Key Master

    Find all 60 keys

  • Explorer

    Explore every scene, hidden object game, and close up in the first 6 location

  • Wanderlust

    Unlock all locations in the game

  • The Geek

    End a day with Patrick Merman in a green mood

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