Pentiment Achievements Here is the full list of all 41 Pentiment achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 41 Offline Mode 41 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 38 Missable 3 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The StonemasonGet Lucky executed. Smell the RosesExamine 10 flowers. The NunGet Matilda executed. The WidowGet Ottilia executed. The PriorGet Ferenc executed. The ImposterGet Martin killed. The AdulteressGet Hanna killed. The EmbezzlerGet Guy killed. Nosy FellaHeadbutt Werner. Kiss ZdenaSeduce Zdena. Quick FingersSpin wool as fast as the ladies. Good GracesEnd Act I in the abbot's favor. Empty-headedHave your hat stolen. Andreas Non GrataEnd Act I out of the abbot's favor. The Root of the ProblemGet Wojslav to let you into the cellar. Grave MattersConvince Gernot to let you dig up the grave. Hot GossTell Jacob Estler immaterial gossip. Legal EagleConvince Jacob Estler to save Ottilia's home. Simple SoulConvince Illuminata to give you the French book. Like a Record BabySolve Ferenc's cipher with the volvelle. The BaronFinished Act 1. Should Have Seen the Other GuyGet knocked out. High RollerWin everyone's money at Lansquenet. Down to the Last PfennigLose everything at Lansquenet. MatchmakerConvince Endris to find his sweetheart. Room ServiceComplain to Niko about your room. Among UsDiscover the imposter. The Cornish PatientGet Aedoc his medicine. The Penitent ManDo your penance. The Deer HunterShoot the deer. The Hand of MercyRefuse to shoot at the deer. Vis MajorFinished Act 2. Cookie MasterCut enough cookies for everyone at the Christmas feast. Look Before you ClimbGet assistance climbing down the mine shaft. The Second PlagueLearn about Artemis and Apollo's frog plan. A Fateful SausageLearn the mystery of the cats. Manu PropriaFinished Act 3. Cryptic SolutionsFind the secret door to library. Good InfluenceEncourage Paul to draw. A Regular Saint FrancisPet 5 animals. Art of PersuasionPass 5 dialogue checks.