Here is the full list of all 25 Passpartout: The Starving Artist achievements.
Impress the critic.
Master craftsmanship.
Master passion.
Master realism.
Master design.
Master minimalism.
Master expressionism.
Witness all endings.
Keep track of your cash flow!
Reject your biggest fan.
Throw away a painting that is for sale.
The bad artists imitate, the great artists steal.
Clear a painting after having worked on it for 3 minutes.
Create a masterpiece.
Sell 10 Paintings
Sell 50 paintings.
Sell 100 paintings.
Use the Spray Can tool.
Use the Steady Pen tool.
Make a lot of noise.
Reject 20 bids.
Sell a painting for over 9000€
Be creative!
Put a blank canvas on display.