Party Golf

Party Golf

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Party Golf

Party Golf Achievements

Here is the full list of all 57 Party Golf achievements.

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  • That's Umpossible!

    Get a hole-in-0 without using any powerups.

  • Undefeated

    Win every round in a match of 500 points or more with the default settings for bonuses.

  • Checkmate

    Win a round with at least 3 checkpoints without anybody else getting any.

  • Domination

    Win 3 matches in a row in a single sessio

  • The Hole is That Way

    Don't win a round in a match of 500 points or more with the default settings for bonuses.

  • Dazed and Confused

    Play a round for 4 minutes or more without anybody sinking.

  • Close Call

    Sink with less than a second on the round clock.

  • Bruised and Battered

    Get hit by 20 or more skyjunk in one round.

  • Denied

    Fail to win the match even after winning the round while on match point.

  • You're Doing Scoring Wrong

    You're Doing Scoring Wrong Finish the match on a negative score.

  • Tin Cupping It

    Miss 5 or more consecutive shots from the tee and then sink the ball on your next shot.

  • So Many Missed Chances

    Win a quick game with a score over 1000 points.

  • Underdog

    Win a match after there being 3 or more players on match-point above you.

  • Comeback

    Respawn twice and still win the round.

  • Tortured Path

    Hit 10 mines in a row and then still end up in the hole on the same shot.

  • Luck from the Sky

    Get a random drop from the top that sinks your ball.

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