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Paper Sorcerer

Paper Sorcerer Achievements

Here is the full list of all 39 Paper Sorcerer achievements.

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  • Freedom?

    Turning the page to the last chapter...

  • Popup Book

    Did you enjoy the story? Let's go to bed now.

  • Paperback

    Nothing like reading a paperback all in one sitting.

  • Hardcover

    Let's curl up by the fire with a good book.

  • Codex

    The master of this tome wields an incomprehensible power.

  • Baby's First Secret

    One small secret, but it's a big step in your sleuthing.

  • Beginner Secret

    Everyone's gotta start somewhere.

  • Amateur Secret

    What are you doing digging up secrets like this? You'll get in trouble.

  • Turquoise Secret

    It really has a rather nice color to it, doesn't it?

  • Aquamarine Secret

    Do you miss the ocean, or water at all after being in a dusty book for so long?

  • Jade Secret

    Sorry, no dragons around here.

  • Emerald Secret

    Emerald rather invokes nature, but does this secret really have anything to do with that?

  • Ruby Secret

    A secret as red as blood.

  • Diamond Secret

    No secret shines as brilliant as this one.

  • Copper Secret

    Not the most impressive one, but it's been going up in price lately because it's useful.

  • Silver Secret

    Do you find secrets professionally? I'm impressed.

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