Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 36 Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Friend of HumanityRaised your Reputation with two classmates to 10. Video Game SuperstarFound every secret before Week 5. Mock Debate: TitaniaWon a Mock Debate against Titania. Mock Debate: BanquoWon a Mock Debate against Banquo. Mock Debate: Henry VWon a Mock Debate against Henry. Mock Debate: OliviaWon a Mock Debate against Olivia. You're Being GrossFlirted at a really inappropriate time. I guess if you REALLY want this acheev, sure. Go ahead. The Elsinore MysteriesGot caught sneaking out past bedtime. Simpletons & SorcerersSurvived Week 1. Werewolves & GhostsSurvived Week 2. Strange Tides & Strange LivesSurvived Week 3. Dusk & Dawn (of Magic)Survived Week 4. Love & SexytimesSurvived Week 5. School Hard 2: School HarderTook every course offered. School Formal x8Danced with everyone. Dated the Entire SchoolDated everyone. Horny College KidsHad carnal relations with someone before picking Running Mates at the end of week five. Political Opposites AttractSeduce a political opponent. Big Block of Cheese DaySurvived Monday of Election Week. Welcome to Wherever You AreSurvived Tuesday of Election Week. Evidence of Things Not SeenSurvived Wednesday of Election Week. The War at HomeSurvived Thursday of Election Week. What Kind of Day It Has BeenSurvived Friday of Election Week. Worst EnemyYou caused your own break up. Running Mate: GuildensternWon the election with Guildenstern as your VP. Running Mate: BanquoWon the election with Banquo as your VP. Running Mate: Henry VWon the election with Henry as your VP. Running Mate: TitaniaWon the election with Titania as your VP. Running Mate: ProsperoWon the election with Prospero as your VP. Running Mate: OpheliaWon the election with Ophelia as your VP. Running Mate: OliviaWon the election with Olivia as your VP. THE ULTIMATE DATE(S)During the Inaugurational Ball, chose to start a relationship with *everyone*. Tricks/TreatsEmployed mudslinging at any point in the Election. Campaign Pledge: BetrayalPledge to close down Elsinore Academy. War: WixmarkStart a war with Wixmark. War of the RosesStart the War of the Roses.