PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo Achievements Full list of all 34 PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply PARANORMA SIGHTAcquire all other achievements. Mocking Bird BanchoAcquire a complete collection of Mocking Bird stickers. Case ClosedComplete the story. Honjo's Ace DetectiveCollect all information on Persons of Interest. Honjo's Biggest Know-It-AllCollect all Files. Master of the Seven MysteriesAcquire all Curse Echoes. Mocking Bird ManiacCollect 15 Mocking Bird stickers. Obligation FulfilledReach Shogo Okiie's ending. Mocking Bird CollectorCollect 10 Mocking Bird stickers. Night TerrorsPlay the game in the middle of the night. Veteran InvestigatorAccumulate 10 hours of playtime. Don't Be a QuitterPlay the game again after 3 days. Harue's LegacyReach Harue Shigima's ending. Erio's ChoiceReach Tetsuo Tsutsumi's ending. Michiyo's GrudgeReach Yakko Sakazaki's ending. Nejima's ReminiscenceReach Ashimiya's bad ending. Ayame's AspirationReach Ayame's bad ending. Mocking Bird EnthusiastCollect 5 Mocking Bird stickers. Mocking ChickCollect your first Mocking Bird sticker. WhodunitAnswer the Storyteller's question correctly. The Rite of ResurrectionComplete the prologue. Harue's WishComplete the Harue branch of Chapter 1. Tsutsumi's InvestigationComplete the Tsutsumi branch of Chapter 1. Yakko's FriendshipComplete the Yakko branch of Chapter 1. Harue's ResolveComplete the Harue branch of Chapter 2. Yakko's RighteousnessComplete the Yakko branch of Chapter 2. Mayu's EscapeComplete the Mayu branch of Chapter 2. Shogo's BlunderWitness the death of Shogo Okiie. Everburning ShogoWitness the death of Shogo Okiie. Foot-Washing ShogoWitness the death of Shogo Okiie. Haunting ShogoWitness the death of Shogo Okiie. Foot-Washing TsutsumiWitness the death of Tetsuo Tsutsumi. One-Sided YakkoWitness the death of Yakko Sakazaki. Everburning YakkoWitness the death of Yakko Sakazaki.