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Otome Legends

Otome Legends Achievements

Here is the full list of all 16 Otome Legends achievements.

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  • I'm fed up with you.

    Congradulations, you made the game tired of you. I hope you're proud of yourself.

  • Easter Egg Hunter!

    Wow, you must be hunting for easter eggs! Your parents must be proud!

  • No turning back.

    You already made your decision.

  • You made a wish.

    You made a wish, remember this.

  • Ow, my eye.

    Bruh, you poked me in the eyes. That hurt.

  • We ran out of budget, sorry.

    You learned our terrible secret and its that we ran out of budget for this game. The developer of this game used their college savings to fund this game but then couldn't fund it anymore because they had to pay for tuition.

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