One-armed robber Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 One-armed robber achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Trigger HappyComplete 10 heists loud Guns BlazingComplete 25 heists loud Hide adsPublic EnemyComplete 50 heists loud Silent OperatorComplete 10 heists stealth Covert SpecialistComplete 25 heists stealth Stealth MastermindComplete 50 heists stealth Flash FoilerKill 50 blinding shield units Light DisrupterKill 100 blinding shield units Glare EradicatorKill 300 blinding shield units Guard EliminatorKill 250 guards Lousy SecurityKill 500 guards Guard ReaperKill 1000 guards Interceptor InterceptorKill 50 interceptor units Interceptor ExterminatorKill 100 interceptor units Interceptor DominatorKill 300 interceptor units Titan TakedownKill 50 juggernaut units Bulldozer BreakerKill 100 juggernaut units Juggernaut DemolisherKill 300 juggernaut units Cop Carnage250 Police Kills Lawmen Liquidator1000 Police Kills ACAB5000 Police Kills Circuit Breaker BreakerKill 50 powerbox defuser units Powerbox PunisherKill 100 powerbox defuser units Electric ExecutionerKill 300 powerbox defuser units Shield ShattererKill 50 shield units Barrier BreakerKill 100 shield units Shield ShredderKill 300 shield units Lockpicking InitiatePick 100 locks Lockpick LuminaryPick 500 locks Locksmith LegendPick 1000 locks Millionaire!Steal $1.000.000 Money MagnetSteal $5.000.000 Plundering ProdigySteal $20.000.000 Time to get out!Trigger the alarm after opening the vault Breaking The IceComplete a heist for the first time Pest ControlKill a rat The Bare MinimumComplete a heist only leaving with the minimum take Workplace AccidentBlow yourself up with a C4 Counter SabotageGet a powerbox sabotaged by a powerbox defuser Flashing LightsGet blinded by a blinding shield PacifistComplete a heist without equipping guns or mask Barbed FeetWalk into barbed wire placed by an interceptor I Want It AllSteal every valuable during a heist