OlliOlli World Achievements Full list of all 54 OlliOlli World achievements.The base game contains 42 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 12 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 42 Offline Mode 42 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 8 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (12)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Done-shine ValleyFinish the main path of Sunshine Valley and meet Technicolas Over-brookFinish the main path of Cloverbrook and meet Flora Burnt-out-rockFinish the main path of Burntrock and meet The Mirage Sketch-bye-dFinish the main path of Sketchside and meet Hazard Queen Bossed VulgasFinish the main path of Los Vulgas and meet Radysus Challenge 10Complete 10 Challenges Challenge 50Complete 50 Challenges Challenge 100Complete 100 Challenges MasterComplete a Mastery MasterierFully complete a set of Masteries for any Skate God MasteriestFully complete all Masteries Over the BoltsAchieve 1,000 Perfect Landings Too GrindyAchieve 1,000 Perfect Grinds They Last Twice As LongAchieve 500 Perfect Manuals Hold It (I Like the Way You Tweak It)Achieve 500 Tweaked Grabs Switch UpAchieve 500 Grind Switches Better Late Than NeverAchieve 500 Late Tricks Are You Dizzy?Achieve a total of 180,000 degrees of rotation Anti-GrabityAchieve a total of 600 seconds air time Side HustleBeat all Sidequests Every Trick in the BookPerform one of every Trick Pro-motionGet promoted in Leagues Known Round HereWin a League group Opt In Drop InFinish any Optional level with all Perfect Grinds and Landings More Than a TouristFully complete a District PrimoSlam for the very first time So That's How You Do ItComplete a level in one Combo Nail the LandingGet your first Combo over 1,000,000 points Hundreds ClubAchieve a Combo multiplier of 100 and then land in a Career level Spot FinderSet a score on every Style of Gnarvana Portal level I Think That's EverythingTrick, tweak a Grab, rotate 180, Grind, Late Trick and Grind Switch in one Combo First TryFinish a level without slamming or respawning Sunshine Valley HeroUnlock and beat the Local Hero level in Sunshine Valley Cloverbrook HeroUnlock and beat the Local Hero level in Cloverbrook Burntrock HeroUnlock and beat the Local Hero level in Burntrock Sketchside HeroUnlock and beat the Local Hero level in Sketchside Los Vulgas HeroUnlock and beat the Local Hero level in Los Vulgas Sunshine RaddyBeat all Radysus Challenges in Sunshine Valley CloverradBeat all Radysus Challenges in Cloverbrook BurntradBeat all Radysus Challenges in Burntrock RadsideBeat all Radysus Challenges in Sketchside Rad VulgasBeat all Radysus Challenges in Los Vulgas Add-on VOID Riders 230 60 6 0.001369 (7%) The Whole V.O.I.D.Beat every level, challenge, Local Hero score and collect every customisation in V.O.I.D. Riders Creature CollectorComplete all the Lagoon Creature, Hairy Beast and Cow regular Challenges! The Hyped OneShow Nebulord how rad you are! FlatteryComplete a V.O.I.D. Riders level wearing a V.O.I.D. Riders mask! Ride the BeamsUse Tractor Beams 200 times Going UpLearn about Tractor Beams Add-on Finding the Flowzone 239 60 6 0.001209 (8%) Sky HighBeat every level, challenge, Local hero score and collect every customisation in the Flowzone Treasure HunterCollect all of the Map Pieces Radlantis Rivals ChampionBecome the champion of the Radlantis Rivals Cup! Discovery of a LifetimeFind Radlantis City Wind WalkerGo through 200 wind zones Blown AwayLearn about Wind Zones