ONE PIECE World Seeker Achievements Full list of all 63 ONE PIECE World Seeker achievements.The base game contains 51 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 12 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 55 Offline Mode 55 Single Player 11 Main Storyline 5 Collectable 21 Cumulative + 8 Level 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (8)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Find Chopper!Complete Main Mission "Find Chopper!" Suspicious WomanComplete Main Mission "Suspicious Woman" Straw Hats UnitedComplete Main Mission "Straw Hats United" The Old IslandComplete Main Mission "The Old Island" To YouComplete Main Mission "To You" Radio HijackComplete Main Mission "Radio Hijack" Protect AllComplete Main Mission "Protect All" Sky Prison, Ho!Complete Main Mission "Sky Prison, Ho!" We won!Complete All Main Missions First StepComplete first Side Mission Island FriendComplete 20 Side Missions Island HeroComplete 100 Side Missions See You on the High SeasReach Pirate Rank 10 You've Gotten a Lot StrongerReach Pirate Rank 50 Go All The Way to the Top!Reach Pirate Rank 100 Join My Crew!Attain 100% Karma for one faction I Want To Get Stronger!Learn 10 Skills This is What I've Been Training For!Learn 40 Skills I Won't Lose to Anyone!Learn all Skills Takedown HobbyistDefeat 10 enemies with a Takedown Takedown LegendDefeat 100 enemies with a Takedown MarksmanPerform 10 critical shots SharpshooterPerform 100 critical shots Evasion ExpertPerform 30 Perfect Dodges Guard MasterPerform 30 Perfect Guards Long JourneyTravel a total distance of 50,000 across the island Fly AwayFly with Gum-Gum Rocket for 30 minutes in total Woohoo!Fly for 5 seconds during a single Gum-Gum Rocket flight without landing I'll Destroy It!Break 100 objects Big RookieDefeat 100 Pirates WantedDefeat 200 Sailors I'll Take You All On!Defeat 1,000 Enemies I'll Send You All Flying!Defeat 6 enemies simultaneously Material CollectorAcquire 100 materials in total QuartermasterCreate 20 equipment items & outfits This Could Be FunAcquire 25 equipment & outfit plans Something Smells Good!Acquire 20 pirate box lunch recipes Exploration HobbyistAsk Straw Hat Pirates to go exploring 3 times Exploration StrategistAsk Straw Hat Pirates to go exploring 12 times Treasure!Open 15 treasure chests Treasure HunterOpen 200 treasure chests I Love Adventure!Explore the entire island I Wanna Go to the Sky IslandsReach a Sky Island for the first time Adventurous DawnComplete all Main Missions in"The Unfinished Map" Trouble with a capital "D"Learn all of Law's Skills Passage GrantedTakedown 20 enemies as Law Taking it EasyUse Shambles on an Enemy 30 times Take What's YoursClear 2 Challenge Missions as Law The ThroneGet the top Grade as Law on 2 Challenge Missions No Delayed FightsComplete the "Boss Rush" Challenge Mission Y'all Going Down!Complete "Boss Rush" with the top Grade Add-on Extra Episode 1: Void Mirror Prototype 96 60 6 0.00134107 (80%) ReturnComplete Main Mission "The Void Mirror Prototype" Enthused WarriorLearn all of Zoro's Skills RelentlessPerform Relentless 25 times Serious BattleUse Serious Mode 10 times ChallengerComplete 3 Challenge Missions with Zoro MasterComplete a Challenge Mission with the highest grade with Zoro Add-on Extra Episode 2: Where Justice Lies 99 60 6 0.0011996 (81%) Mission CompleteComplete all Main Missions in "Where Justice Lies" Chief of StaffLearn all of Sabo's Skills Nap time!Takedown 20 enemies as Sabo Pesky Dodger!Do 30 Flame-Flame Perfect Dodges New HeightsClear 4 Challenge Missions as Sabo Top of the WorldGet the top Grade as Sabo on 4 Challenge Missions