Here is the full list of all 116 Nomad Survival achievements.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as an Adventurer.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as a Crusader.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as a Cultist.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as a Ratfolk Archer.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as the Divine.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as a Quickling.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' as a Necromancer.
Slay 1,000 Rats.
Defeat the Golem.
Defeat the Giant Slime.
Defeat the Giant Golem.
Defeat the Froghemoth.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' with Nomad heritage.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' with Berserker heritage.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' with Voidwalker heritage.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' with Poxbringer heritage.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' with Summoner heritage.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' with Merchant heritage.
Clear the first round of Darkness in 'The Dry Marsh' without taking any damage.
Reach Level 77. Regret the time you wasted to do it.
Obtain every non-PASSIVE skill in a run.
Obtain every PASSIVE skill in a run.
Don't move for the first 5 minutes of a run.
Have exactly 1,000 coins. Current, not total.
Destroy the first Crystal Chest in 'The Dry Marsh' within 30 seconds.
Open a chest and obtain 2 Bonus Spins.
Obtain the Golem's Boss Skill.
Obtain the Giant Slime's Boss Skill.
Obtain the Giant Golem's Boss Skill.
Get 'Curious Wisp' to Level 10.
Get 'Great Divider' to Level 10.
Get 'Colorless Glyph' to Level 10.
Get 'Icicle Barrage' to Level 10.
Get 'Chain Lightshock' to Level 10.
Get 'Purifying Circle' to Level 10.
Get 'Lightning Strike' to Level 10.
Get 'Infernal Ray' to Level 10.
Get 'Dancing Dagger' to Level 10.
Get 'Magic Missile' to Level 10.
Get 'Immaterial Cloak' to Level 10.
Get 'Spectral Sword' to Level 10.
Get 'Fireball' to Level 10.
Get 'Entangle' to Level 10.
Get 'Spectral Bow' to Level 10.
Get 'Ascension' to Level 10.
Get 'Energy Wave' to Level 10.
Survive 15 minutes without rerolling.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' without rerolling.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' without opening a chest.
Clear 'The Dry Marsh' without taking more than 1,000 damage.
Die within the first minute.
Survive 12 minutes in 'The Dry Marsh' without picking a non-PASSIVE skill.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as an Adventurer.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as a Crusader.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as a Cultist.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as a Ratfolk Archer.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as the Divine.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as a Quickling.
Clear 'The Crossroads' as a Necromancer.
Clear 'The Crossroads' with Nomad heritage.
Clear 'The Crossroads' with Berserker heritage.
Clear 'The Crossroads' with Voidwalker heritage.
Clear 'The Crossroads' with Poxbringer heritage.
Clear 'The Crossroads' with Summoner heritage.
Clear 'The Crossroads' with Merchant heritage.
Slay 1,000 Zombies.
Defeat the Wendigo.
Defeat the Mindflayer.
Defeat the Shardsoul.
Defeat Death.
Destroy the first Portal in 'The Crossroads' within 30 seconds.
Obtain the Wendigo's Boss Skill.
Obtain the Mindflayer's Boss Skill.
Obtain the Shardsoul's Boss Skill.
Survive 15 minutes in 'The Crossroads' without taking more than 1,000 damage.
Clear 'The Crossroads' without rerolling.
Clear 'The Crossroads' without opening a chest.
Clear 'The Crossroads' without taking more than 1,000 damage.
Survive 12 minutes in 'The Crossroads' without picking a non-PASSIVE skill.
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as an Adventurer with the Nomad Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Crusader with the Berserker Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Cultist with the Nomad Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Ratfolk Archer with the Poxbringer Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as The Divine with the Poxbringer Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Quickling with the Voidwalker Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Necromancer with the Summoner Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Knight with the Summoner Heritage
Clear 'The Royal Garden' as a Whisperer with the Berserker Heritage
Complete both Challenges for 'The Royal Garden'
Defeat the Ratfolk King
Defeat the Owlbear
Defeat the Wererat
Defeat the Elder Dragon
Complete all Challenges