Game action
Nomad Survival

Nomad Survival Achievements

Here is the full list of all 116 Nomad Survival achievements.

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  • The Dark Should Fear Me

    Clear the first round of Darkness in 'The Dry Marsh' without taking any damage.

  • But, Why?

    Reach Level 77. Regret the time you wasted to do it.


    Obtain every non-PASSIVE skill in a run.

  • Nomad Idle

    Obtain every PASSIVE skill in a run.

  • AFK

    Don't move for the first 5 minutes of a run.

  • Calculated

    Have exactly 1,000 coins. Current, not total.

  • I Need It NOW!

    Destroy the first Crystal Chest in 'The Dry Marsh' within 30 seconds.

  • Jackpot

    Open a chest and obtain 2 Bonus Spins.

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