Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 28 Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 17 Offline Mode 11 Online/Offline 28 Single Player 11 Versus 8 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 2 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Handsome StyleCustomize your profile badge for the first time 1 guideNo Nonsense AvatarClear Arcade with 1 brawler Bushido TacticsClear Arcade with 5 brawlers World Domination is at Hand!Clear Arcade with 15 brawlers Leave Everything to Me!Clear Arcade with all (standard) Brawlers Don't you take that tone with me, young man!Complete an Arcade run without losing a single stock Blimey!Complete an Arcade run on the highest difficulty I Want an Award!Compete in your first local or online battle Way of the NinjaCompete in 10 local or online battles 1 guideMonstruous Power!Compete in 50 local or online battles 1 guideDefender of the EarthCompete in 100 local or online battles 1 guideSmashing!Defeat an opponent without losing a single stock in a local or online battle Say My Name!Play at least once with all standard brawlers in a local or online battle 1 guideWickedDefeat a level 9 NPC in a 1v1 battle 1 guideNot Even a ContestDefeat three level 9 NPCs in a team-battle ACTIVATE THE PLOT DEVICE!Complete your first Campaign run Saviour of the WorldComplete the Campaign's story Jellyfish FishingDefeat King Jellyfish in the Campaign LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDefeat the Flying Dutchman in the Campaign ShreddedDefeat Shredder in the Campaign This I Swear!Defeat Sartana in the Campaign Going Ghost!Defeat Vlad Plasmius in the Campaign Timed OutDefeat Clockwork in the Campaign Research Complete!Level up a Campaign Perk to its max level The Journey is the Destination, ManUnlock all Campaign Perks Unleash the DOOM!Complete a Campaign run in the highest difficulty That was Nuts!Complete a Pop the Slime Balloons minigame level 1 guideBrain Blast!Complete the Pop the Slime Balloons minigame with all (standard) brawlers