Need for Speed Payback Achievements Here is the full list of all 57 Need for Speed Payback achievements. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 4 Online Mode 25 Offline Mode 28 Online/Offline 55 Single Player 19 Main Storyline 12 Collectable 2 Cumulative + 18 Shop 2 Level 1 Community 10 Versus 1 Time/Date 1 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Welcome to Fortune ValleyComplete the Prologue Back in the GameReassemble the crew We Got ThisComplete the Highway Heist I Fought the LawEscape the Skyhammer Double or NothingSteal two gold-plated cars Against All OddsBring down The House Spread the WordWin your first event against a Street League La CatrinaDefeat Graveyard Shift league boss La Catrina Udo RothDefeat League 73 league boss Udo Roth Big SisterDefeat Riot Club league boss Big Sister Underground SoldierDefeat Shift-Lock league boss The Underground Soldier Gallo RiveraDefeat Silver Six league boss 'Gallo' Rivera Faith JonesDefeat Free Ember Militia league boss Faith Jones Aki KimuraDefeat Noise Bomb league boss Aki Kimura Natalia NovaDefeat One Percent Club league boss Natalia Nova Mitko VasilevDefeat Diamond Block league boss Mitko Vasilev HoltzmanDefeat Hazard Company league boss Holtzman Training Wheels OffReach REP level 2 Top DogReach REP level 50 One Man's TrashAssemble a Derelict car Another Man's TreasureGet a Derelict car to 399 Performance Level The ArtistUnlock all Visual Customization points The MogulBuy all available Garage spaces The StrategistGrind a previously won narrative event for Speed Cards Hope and GloryEquip a full setup with the Americana brand Outlaws on the RiseEquip a full setup with the Outlaw brand 1 guideTech MateEquip a full setup with the NexTech brand Carbon CartelEquip a full setup with the Carbon brand Under the HoodEquip a full setup with the Chidori brand First Strike is DeadlyComplete all 5 events in a single Speedlist The ClimbComplete 10 events in Ranked Speedlists Friendly CompetitionBeat your first Autolog Recommendation A Daily a DayComplete your first Daily Challenge You've Got the NeedComplete all Speed Traps Flat-OutComplete all Speed Runs Sideways StyleComplete all Drift Zones Aces HighComplete all Jumps All InCollect all of the Gambler's Chips Wherever I May RoamBeat all 4 Roaming Racer bosses Does Not ObeySmash your way through all the Billboards 1 guideTinker, Tailor, Racer, FlyWin a Race Event with a modified live tuning setup Scrappy RacerWin an event using a Derelict car Comeback is RealBe last during the final lap of a race and still win HyperspeedHit 240 mph using any car 1500 bhp... EasyWin a race in the Koenigsegg Regera without damaging it Perfect ShiftWin a Drag Race round by performing only perfect shifts Take Them DownTake down 100 pursuit vehicles Active LifestyleGet a 3 Star Rating on all the Activities in the game Who Runs this Town?Win all the events and beat all the Roaming Racers in the game PrankedBeat Jesse Wellens in an Outrun Race Cover StarsOwn the BMW M5 2017, NISSAN Skyline GT-R (1999) and Chevrolet Bel Air Driving the IncredibleGet a score of over 350,000 points with the BMW M5 2017 during a Drift Trial event Supercars for BreakfastBeat all the members of the 1% Club roaming racers league in the Nissan GT-R Accelerate Your PotentialBuy the INFINITI Q60 S from the Speedcross dealership Built for the AdventurerBuy the MINI JCW Countryman from the Speedcross dealership Maximum InsanityFully upgrade a Speedcross car Speedcross ChampionComplete the Fortune Valley Speedcross Series