Here is the full list of all 25 NITE Team 4 achievements.
Start your first Academy training
Locate the Pentagon using Drone and Imagery Intelligence
Gain VPN access to Cyberdyne's network
Customize your agent avatar
Change your Stinger OS skin
Enter your first command line
Find Dylan's very secret password
Enter 50 command lines in a terminal
Enter 100 command lines in a terminal
Enter 500 command lines in a terminal
Enter 1000 command lines in a terminal
Conclude a transaction on the dark web
Remotely start a barbecue
Successfuly complete a bounty
Successfully Activate FAY2.0
Fail the activation of FAY2.0
Become a witness to my glory
Complete Operation Withering Dusk
Separate paper and plastic
Enter at least 200 commands into Uplink51