My Little Universe Achievements Full list of all 76 My Little Universe achievements.The base game contains 73 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 3 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First StepsComplete the tutorial on the planet Hades. I Have The Power!Claim the sword. Goblin SlayerSlay 25 Goblins. The Bigger They Are...Defeat the Cave Guardian. The Power of the Sun, in the Palm of My HandPick up the Source Core. To the Stars!Unlock The Astronaut. One Down, and Many More to Go!Complete the planet Gaia. RescuerRescue the tailor by defeating the Troll on the Mainland. Savior of the FlockRescue the farmer by defeating the Troll in the Mountains. Creepy-CrawlyDefeat The Spider Queen. That's Just DundeeSlay 25 Crocodiles. Somebody Once Told MeDestroy the Swamp Toilet. Back to the Seas!Rescue the farmer by defeating the Troll in the Swamp. Rawr!!!Unlock The Bearbarian. No More TrollingComplete the planet Trollheim. Shivered His TimbersDefeat the Skeleton King. Set Sail!Purchase a raft. GhostbusterSlay 50 Ghost Pirates in Dimidium. Holy Crab!Defeat the Crab King. Crabby SecretsUnlock the secrets of the Ghost Ship. There She Lurks!Defeat the Kraken. Master of the Six IslesUnlock Captain Scurvybeard. Master of the SeasComplete the planet Dimidium. A Worthy AdversaryDefeat the Red Knight. Experiments Gone WrongExplore the secrets behind the dark and twisted research of Nexorum. Extraterrestrial ExterminatorSlay 100 Aliens. There's Always a Bigger FishDefeat the Alien Queen. No Longer a MeatbagUnlock the Robot character. Science Gone Too FarComplete the planet Nexorum. That's For All the Cavities!Defeat Crunchy. Savior of the Winter SpiritDefeat the Mean One. Tis the Season to Be JollyFinalize the Winter celebration tree. CheckmateDefeat both the White Queen and Black Queen. Mirror, Mirror on the WallActivate the mirror. He Arrives Precisely When He Means ToUnlock Strudus The Wise. Ending of a Fairy TaleComplete the planet Wadirum. Vacation Time!Finish the Settlement in Odysseum. Fool Me OnceUse the oldest trick in the book to get within the castle walls in Odysseum. Of Course, There's Something ThereThe classic hiding spot. Reap What You Sow!Channel the power of the Reaper! End of An OdysseyComplete the planet Odysseum. Good SoupYou are soup. GoodnightTurn the sundial. It Was Me, The Sorcerer!Defeat The Sorcerer! Lizard FolkEmbrace the inner Dragon... or Lizard, it's close enough. Here Be DragonsComplete the planet Dragonora. LiberatorFree the Settlers by defeating the Stone Giant. I Forgot My Library CardDefeat the Librarian. RevelationYou're not supposed to be here. Horrors Beyond Your ComprehensionDefeat the cosmic Entity. I am a Goddess!Become a goddess! The Moon's PathComplete the planet Egyptium. KHAAAAAAAN!Defeat Khan. FortifiedFinish fortifying the Settlement. The Last SamuraiBecome one with Bushido. Finding Inner PeaceDefeat the Kitsune Deity and its avatars to free The Turtle Deity from corruption. Spiritual JourneyComplete the planet Asium. The End?Complete the story! Up to the Challenge!Complete all of the Planet Challenges. Assembled!Unlock every Character. The CompletionistReach a 100% completion on every Planet. All Maxed OutUpgrade your armor and tools to the maximum level. Treasure HunterFind 10 Treasure Chests or Coin Piles. FreeloaderPick-up 25 resource pick-ups. My First MillionGather 1,000,000 resources. Multi-MillionaireGather 10,000,000 resources. Stickman SMASH!Gather 10,000 resources using the special charge-up ability. Thank You for Playing!Get to know the Team. Shoot for the Stars!Woooosh. There Is AnotherConnect a second player. Got Coal?Gather insane amounts of coal. Decked OutReach Level 10. Life Finds a WayUnlock Rex Update Fishing Expansion 66 30 3 0.0034285 (25%) Safer WatersCatch a predator of the depths. Master FishermanCatch every single shark type fish. Embrace The CrustationUnlock Seamore.