Mr. Prepper Achievements Full list of all 85 Mr. Prepper achievements.The base game contains 60 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 25 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 61 Online/Offline 61 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 11 Stackable 1 Collectable 2 Missable 9 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (24)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The path of Mr. PrepperJust start the game 1 guideIt was obvious from the beginningFinish the tutorial 1 guideOne wolf, eight wolves, what's the difference? (Little Prepped Riding Hood)Kill some wolves 1 guideYou're really a prepper, arent you?Finish the silo 1 guideIt's just a start!Get to day 15 Are you a Chef or a Prepper?! Looks tasty though...Use the stove for the first time Looks nice, doesn't it?Upgrade a room Old McDonald had a farm...Build 5 greenhouses 1 guideExpanderBuild more than 7 rooms in the bunker 1 guideIf i were a rich manHave 1000 coins in your pocket 1 guideThe Way of Plant EaterDon't eat any meat for 7 days 1 guideThe Way of Meat EaterEat only meat for 7 days 1 guideScavengerLoot 25 boxes in locations 1 guideThe CookCook 50 dishes MasterchefCook 200 dishes 1 guideThe NegotiatorMax level Negotiating 1 guideThe BuilderRead Builder book The Agricultural expertMax level Gardening I don't need help!Max level DIY Healthy food, here I come!Read Healthy Eating book Karate PrepperMax level Martial Arts No time to sleepRead NoSleep skill book The TinkererRead Petrolhead skill book Prepper 101Read Prepper's Guide Arm wrestling expertMax level StrengthTraining I am the WalrusRead Walrus skill book 1 guideMaster and ApprenticeMax trust level with Jenny 1 guideComics and Mines ClubMax trust level with Bob 1 guideChupacabra approvedMax trust level with Joe 1 guideFirst toolCraft pickaxe MinerUse 50 fuel on mining machines 1 guideFace the pastReach Fort Observer Best penpalMax trust level with Minutman Home decoratorHave all lamp colors at the same time 1 guideWolf slayerKill 100 wolfs SleepyheadNap during the day 1 guideCar mechanicFix the car in the dumpster 1 guideRocket manBuild a Rocket Popular kidMaximum level of trust with all sellers 1 guideKung fu fighterKill wolf with your fists GunslingerUse 6 amo in 3 seconds with revolver 1 guideVampire hunterKill 60 bats 1 guideSleeplessGet a drug to counter the night 1 guideEverything is bobInspect every plant in the game 1 guideNovice PrepperSurvive 1 month 1 guideIntermediate PrepperSurvive 2 months 1 guideAdvanced PrepperSurvive 4 months 1 guideThe Orginal PrepperSurvive 1 year 1 guideHard workerNap 3 times on 1 day 1 guideNo time to waste Prepping!Do not nap for 7 days Government PropertyKeep your house unchanged for 7 days 1 guideBlueberryliciousSurvive 7 days on blueberries only 1 guideBooksmartRead all the skills books The HunterTrap an animal 50 times Zero DeathsComplete the game without fainting Fair trialGet arrested 1 guideGentelmanDo not run for 7 days 1 guideSpeedrunnerFinish game in 30 days Counting StarsCollect all names in the credits 1 guidePerfect EndingGet full ending 1 guide Update Halloween Update 46 10 1 0.006969 (100%) HalloweenHalloween achievement 2 guides Add-on Animal Farm DLC 785 240 24 0.0010117 (17%) White Sands FarmVisit the farm for the first time Employee of the MonthRepair everything that can be repaired on the farm The LakeDiscover the lake Abduction Until Dawn Skub the Shoemaker Search and RescueFind all the missing animals Egg HuntCollect 60 eggs from chickens MilkmanCollect 100 milk units by milking animals Hamster-poweredHave the whole shelter powered by hamsters only BeekeeperCollect 30 units of honey from beehives Dog OwnerReach the 1st friendship level with Xeno Dog PersonReach the 2nd friendship level with Xeno Best FriendReach maximum friendship level with Xeno Gotta Pet 'Em AllPet all the animal types Maze RunnerUnlock maximum maze level Night RunnerFinish the 5th level of the night maze Golden FishCatch golden fish The Fisher KingCatch all the fish types Novice FishermanReach the novice fisherman rank Apprentice FishermanReach the apprentice fisherman rank Advanced FishermanReach the advanced fisherman rank Expert FishermanReach the expert fisherman rank Master FishermanReach the master fisherman rank