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Mowin' & Throwin' Achievements

Here is the full list of all 20 Mowin' & Throwin' achievements.

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  • You're the Real MVP

    Play a game where a gnome receives a gold end game trophy in all categories

  • L 2 Play

    Scroll through the entire How to Play menu

  • Two for One

    Knock a fertilizer out of a gnome's hand by throwing a fertilizer at them

  • Throw the Fertilizer!!

    Have three thrown fertilizers simultaneously counting down on your rival's yard

  • Out of My Way!

    "Accidently" push your teammate off the edge of a lawn with the mower

  • 10% Luck 20% Skill...

    Come back and win a match after being behind by 20%

  • Don't Call it a Comeback!

    Win in the last 5 seconds of a match after being behind

  • Boop!

    Knock a gnome off of a level by hitting them with an item

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