Mortal Shell Achievements Here is the full list of all 37 Mortal Shell achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 37 Offline Mode 37 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 5 Collectable 6 Missable 4 Cumulative + 2 Level 1 Shop 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Forever AloneBeat the game without ever bonding with a shell Face OffDefeat Hadern in the tutorial Seeker of False TruthsUnlock all secret lore Fun GuyPick 50 mushrooms Step GoalKill an enemy with bear trap Life is SufferingBeat the game in obsidian dark form Brigand LifeWaste your life away with Baghead Bars TendedBecome familiar with all items Flesh And InstinctFind your first Shell Is This a Sparta?Kill an enemy by kicking them off a platform Bring the Glands Back to MeBring a gland to Dark Father The Good Time are Killing MeJam with a brigand Sugar BabySpend over 50, 000 Tar in Vlad's Shop UntarnishedParry over 100 attacks You Seem Different...Unlock all of the shells in the game Different Kinds of GrishaDefeat all different versions of Grisha in the game Crossed the ThresholdComplete Mortal Shell Faded the FireDefeat Imrod, the Unrepentant Martyr'd the MatyrDefeat Tarsus, the First Martyr Tragic LossDefeat Crucix, the Twiceborn Felled the GlandfatherDefeat The Unchained Nailed ItKill Two or More Enemies with one shot from the Ballistazooka It's a meKill an enemy with a hardened plunge The NihilistRenounce humankind PurrfectPetted Vlas's cat Gateway DrugSpend 100,000 tar in The Virtuous Cycle SeedbearerReturn your first seed to Twin Sister True NektarReturn all seeds to Twin Sister and break the Virtuous Cycle Fashion ShellsUnlock all Shell Shades for The Virtuous Cycle Lute HeroMax familiarity with all of the game's lutes OP AFAcquire 100 instincts in one cycle Change of HeartReturn a seed with Hadern in The Virtuous Cycle Master of NoneAcquire all 4 weapon Instincts for the Axatana in one cycle No LiferComplete a run in The Virtuous Cycle with the Dark Form Obsidian Shell Shade There Can Only Be OneBeat all variations of the Dark Shells in The Virtuous Cycle The AnswerFully Upgrade Hadern's skill tree Some Assembly RequiredTransform the Axatana between different modes