McPixel 3 Achievements Here is the full list of all 93 McPixel 3 achievements. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 93 Offline Mode 93 Single Player 2 Collectable Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Red HerringIt worked! PeealotPeeing upside down since 2012! Made it all the way!And what for? It's good to be short!But not always! Beat dude with another dude!Where's my dude, dude? What what?Where did it go? You scared it!You monster! The birth of a salary manBorn to work (aren't we all?) I command this caterpillar!Go and search for fake money! Food thief!The food belongs to the colony! Forbidden love!Ahh, will they ever be together? I peed your pants.WHAT? Learn to love!That bomb didn't do anything bad (yet!) Dead end!Haha! McPixel is mom now!Free range mom, too! CGAWAVEIt's the new best thing! Nuclear dumpster diving!What can we find here? Hello World!I drew this! Manual trasmission chopper!They don't make them like they used to! Ice Swimming!It's the new cool thing! You can't hitch a bus!Or can you? Do you have a spare asteroid?I might be addicted. I can't believe you've done that!He was sleeping! Slay the lamb!It will bring upon destruction! My people need me!And worst of all, I'm late for work! Shoot'em up!Wait, that's not what it's called! Well done!Congratulations! Now that's a danger noodleWith a case of nuclear munchies! Let some fresh air in!Like that one roommate who always opens the window! I love computersSo good Thanks for waiting!You shouldn't have! The funniest joke in the worldIt even tells you when to laugh! Is there candy inside?One way to find out! And this is how I met him...Pants down best looking guy in town! My car is so pushyPushy car, pushy car! Push it all around! Wrong wire!Sorry, you messed up. It's my car!Gotta make sure it smells like it! You have a right to remain silent!It's only fair! What I always wanted to be when I grow up!No human, no worries! You won't make it back in time.Not a chance. Right in the jimmy!It was in self defense! You're a snack!...for workgroups! The bar for this dive was high!It was a high dive bar to overcome! Keep your feet on the ground!Or are you burnt out already? Touchdown!Wait, wrong sports! Closing the gap!Baby steps! What's your goal there?Eh? BURPCLOSED Mom, I'm not a fish anymore!It was just a phase! Way to go!Feels like the end of the world Take this on your way down!Down low! Awww, you didn't have to!Must've been love! Imma just hide in the cornerWait for this to blow over Giving up is a virtue!And worth it sometimes too! It's pants time!Wow! Please don't come again!Ouch! Not THAT game!What's the word? I understand!It's the language of my people! Back my fish up!Pow! YesThis is the correct thing to do. BRB, gotta catch the train!It's a bullet-time-train! Ok, bye!Weeeeeee! The defendant is ready!Objection! Pee my ride!Full of gold! Uno, dos, tresQuattro! This is my missile!It has been marked! This is fishy!Need to investigate! Take care of your eyeballs!Unless you have eyeballs of steel! Why did you pick this up?You know what this is, right? Why did you break it?Someone's gonna need it! You got hit by a smooth golden bar!You are now worthy That's all of them!Poor dudes! Throw it all away!Way to go! Babies are evil!But aren't we all? Achievement Number 1Congratulations! DJs don't stage dive, you maniac!Why would you do that? Can I get an 'amen'?No? Ok. Express elevator!Bye! Are we there yet?No. DiligentIt's actually quicker this way too. That was unnecessary.At least you got an achievement, tho. Do the worm!Yes! Better call Sos!He knows all the solutions! The day is saved!Yay! All gags you can eat!You found them! Stop beating my game!Heeey! There is nothing else!You have found all gags in the world! You can p** the dogCan I get a retweet for this? Date poacher!At least it worked! Barbeque in my pants!It's hot! Poop goes ploop!Ploop! Everybody clap!That's a good landing! Clear the path!And get on it!