Mage and Monsters Achievements Full list of all 77 Mage and Monsters achievements.The base game contains 42 achievements, and there are 7 DLC packs containing 35 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply NoviceSurvive level 10. AdeptSurvive level 20. ScholarSurvive level 30. SavantSurvive endgame round 5. Magnificent MageSurvive endgame round 9. Procellus FreedSurvive endgame round 9 with Procellus. Astrina FreedSurvive endgame round 9 with Astrina. Medela FreedSurvive endgame round 9 with Medela. Iscar FreedSurvive endgame round 9 with Iscar. Geryon FreedSurvive endgame round 9 with Geryon. Sinon FreedSurvive endgame round 9 with Sinon. Effero Freed.Survive endgame round 9 with Effero. Exekias Freed.Survive endgame round 9 with Exekias. Simple TroopsSurvive endgame round 9 without buying Tier 2 units upgrade. Simple MagicsSurvive endgame round 9 without buying Rank 2 spells upgrade. Insane NoviceSurvive level 10 on insane difficulty. Insane AdeptSurvive level 20 on insane difficulty. Insane ScholarSurvive level 30 on insane difficulty. Insane SavantSurvive endgame round 5 on insane difficulty. Insane Magnificent MageSurvive endgame round 9 on insane difficulty. Impossible NoviceSurvive level 10 on impossible difficulty. Impossible AdeptSurvive level 20 on impossible difficulty. Impossible ScholarSurvive level 30 on impossible difficulty. Impossible SavantSurvive endgame round 5 on impossible difficulty. Impossible Magnificent MageSurvive endgame round 9 on impossible difficulty. No ReinforcementsSurvive endgame round 9 without summon spells. No Lighting or RainSurvive endgame round 9 without Chain Lightning and without Rain of Death. Now Let's Show ThemUse over 1000 Blood Shards on upgrades. Don't Throw Me a BoneSurvive endgame round 9 without using any Blood Shards on upgrades. BlessedSurvive endgame round 9 with Bless. From AfarSurvive endgame round 9 with Summon Ranged. Greed is GoodOwn 500 gold or above. Knights of the Round TableRecruit 100 knights. Brutal NoviceSurvive level 10 on brutal difficulty. Brutal AdeptSurvive level 20 on brutal difficulty. Brutal ScholarSurvive level 30 on brutal difficulty. Brutal SavantSurvive endgame round 5 on brutal difficulty. Brutal Magnificent MageSurvive endgame round 9 on brutal difficulty. The Developer is Proud of you.Survive endgame round 9 on +160% difficulty. The Developer is 60% more proud of you.Survive endgame round 9 on +220% difficulty. The Developer is 120% more proud of you.Survive endgame round 9 on +280% difficulty. The Developer is 180% more proud of you.Survive endgame round 9 on +340% difficulty. Update Patch 1.1 82 20 2 0.001313 (100%) The Developer is 240% more proud of you. W00000000T!!!! Update Patch 2.0 104 50 5 0.008729 (33%) Forest NoviceSurvive forest level 10. Forest AdeptSurvive forest level 20. Forest ScholarSurvive forest level 30. Forest SavantSurvive forest endgame round 5. Forest Magnificent MageSurvive forest endgame round 9. Update Patch 2.1 20 10 1 0.005858 (100%) Gus Freed.Survive endgame round 5 with Gus. Update Patch 2.3.0 29 10 1 0.002727 (100%) Sicaria Freed.Survive endgame round 5 with Sicaria. Update Patch 2.4.0 1,062 200 20 0.00157 (47%) Procellus Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Procellus on Impossible or harder. Astrina Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Astrina on Impossible or harder. Medela Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Medela on Impossible or harder. Iscar Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Iscar on Impossible or harder. Geryon Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Geryon on Impossible or harder. Sinon Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Sinon on Impossible or harder. Effero Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Effero on Impossible or harder. Exekias Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Exekias on Impossible or harder. Gus Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Gus on Impossible or harder. Sicaria Arena Impossible Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Sicaria on Impossible or harder. Procellus Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Procellus on +475%. Astrina Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Astrina on +475%. Medela Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Medela on +475%. Iscar Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Iscar on +475%. Geryon Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Geryon on +475%. Sinon Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Sinon on +475%. Effero Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Effero on +475%. Exekias Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Exekias on +475%. Gus Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Gus on +475%. Sicaria Arena +475% Freed.Survive arena endgame round 5 with Sicaria on +475%. Update Patch 2.5.0 104 20 2 0.00126 (50%) Arena Brutal No Blood ShardsDefeat Arena on brutal or harder with no Blood Shards spent on upgrades. Forest Brutal No Blood ShardsDefeat Forest on brutal or harder with no Blood Shards spent on upgrades. Update Patch 3.0 225 40 4 0.00174 (24%) Cave NormalDefeat Cave on normal or harder difficulty. Cave ImpossibleDefeat Cave on impossible or harder difficulty. Cave +400%Defeat Cave on +400% or harder difficulty. Cave Brutal 800 Blood ShardsDefeat Cave on brutal or harder with max 800 Blood Shards spent on upgrades.