MUD Motocross World Championship Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 MUD Motocross World Championship achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 36 Offline Mode 5 Online/Offline 41 Single Player 5 Cooperative 5 Versus 6 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 21 Cumulative + 9 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Ready to get MUD?Enter for the first time in the Main Page of MUD World Tour I hope you like cards!Buy your first equipment card in MUD World Tour! Getting to know your new HeroesBuy the 2nd Level in MUD World Tour Flaming WheelsBuy the 5th Level in MUD World Tour Dynamite FuelBuy the 9th Level in MUD World Tour MUD PrincessBuy the 13th Level in MUD World Tour Four Heroes, one Champion!Win the Monster Energy FIM MXoN Event in MUD World Tour The four MUDsketeersWin all the events of at least one Level with all your Heroes in MUD World Tour After me the deluge!Win all the events of at least one Level in MUD World Tour Enough??Win all the events of all the Levels in MUD World Tour He definitely has talent!Complete a race with a Hero with the right Talent for that Event in MUD World Tour Is he your favourite?Reach 5 points in one of your Hero Skills in MUD World Tour Thirst for ResistanceBuy all the Energy Drink Cards in MUD World Tour Gilded CrewAccomplish your Heroes' Team Target 20 times in MUD World Tour Fashion VictimUnlock all helmets in MUD World Tour The Team Check ListUnlock all MX1 Teams in MUD World Tour A Hard Race NightComplete a hard Quick Race of 7 minutes + 2 laps in MUD World Tour What a Record!Pass through 45 Checkpoints in the same Checkpoint Race in MUD World Tour Eager for CheckpointsPass through a total amount of 250 Checkpoints in MUD World Tour It is NOT his Achilles' heel!Reach the top (10 points) in one of your Hero Skills in MUD World Tour The GladiatorVisit one of the available Arenas in MUD World Tour You are a Tricky GuyBuy all the Trick Cards in MUD World Tour The guys love meAccomplish your Heroes' Trick Crew Target 10 times in MUD World Tour The CollectorBuy all Levels, Events and Heroes in MUD World Tour Easy as falling off a logWin a Quick Race in Official Mode Let them eat dustStay in first position from the Holeshot to the end of a Championship Race in Official Mode You like it different!Customise a Championship in Official Mode First RoundBeat Cairoli in the first race of a Championship in Official Mode HomeboyComplete a Monster Energy FIM MXoN race in Official Mode Three is better than oneFinish in one of the first 3 positions in the first 3 Races of a Championship in Official Mode Go fast, get it smoothBeat Roczen in a Championship in Official Mode The conquest of the throne!Win an MX1 Official Championship in Official Mode Ride hard or ride home!Win a Quick Race in Multiplayer Points to countEarn 450 experience points in a Quick Race in Multiplayer A man, a nationWin a Monster Energy FIM MXoN in Multiplayer I love my Connection!Take part in 20 races in Multiplayer Multiplayer ManiacComplete 100 races in Multiplayer Raising to the top!Reach Level 20 in Multiplayer Someone is getting betterReach Level 50 in Multiplayer Be the Host!Create a Lobby and Start a race! Saving the Best MomentsEnter for the first time in Photo Mode Camera of any game mode Know 'em allComplete at least one race on all 12 Official Tracks in any Game Mode Race again, and again!Complete 150 races in any Game Mode apart from Qualifying Mode Scrub AroundPerform 30 Scrubs in any Game Mode! Faster than light!Do 15 Holeshots in any Game Mode! Is that your heaven spot?Select the same gate number 5 times on different tracks Do NOT like the ground!Finish in one of the first three positions without falling in Official Mode Take a course of MUDFall a total of 10 times in a race in any Game Mode The last starting AchievementEnter the Main Menu FirestarterDo 25 Burning Starts in any Game Mode!