Lucius Achievements Here is the full list of all 58 Lucius achievements. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First bloodKill Mary. 1 guideDouble murderKill Gene. 1 guideGetting the hang of itKill 3 persons. 1 guideSerial killerKill 4 persons. High fiveKill 5 persons. My lucky numberKill 6 persons. Deadly sinsKill 7 persons. Killed eight people and loving itKill 8 persons. Nine gates of hellKill 9 persons. Nine of them did not matterKill 10 persons. Seven to elevenKill 11 persons. No for homeschoolingKill 12 persons. Unlucky oneKill 13 persons. Finally no more drivingKill 14 persons. Almost thereKill 15 persons. LobotomizerKill 16 persons. You all saw him - he had a gunKill 17 persons. Catholic vengeanceKill 18 persons. Two out of three fathersKill 19 persons. Son of the DevilKill 20 persons. MindtwisterGet fifth level for mindcontrol. JediGet fifth level for telekenesis. MementoGet fifth level for memoryerase. FiremasterGet fifth level for combustion. FirestarterUse lesser combustion 5 times. FirecrackerUse lesser combustion 10 times. Mem-errorUse memory-erase 5 times. Dr. AlzheimerUse memory-erase 10 times. Inside your headUse mindcontrol 5 times. Ultimate devil mindtrickUse mindcontrol 10 times. Dr. KevorkianAssist on 3 suicides. ExplorerFind secret chamber before chapter seven. 1 guideWe got ourselves a readerRead 20 journal entries. 1 guideHoarderCollect 20 items. Screw hiding.Shoot 5 persons. Oops!Shoot someone. PaparazziTake 20 pictures. Looking for somethingOpen 50 drawers. Tasmanian DevilBreak 50 objects. Rebel without a causeBreak 30 objects. Devils little menaceBreak 20 objects. Accidents do happenBreak 10 objects. MarathonRun 26 miles. Tour de Dante manorCycle 10 miles. There is no answerTalk to to people 10 times. 1 guideAre You There God? It's Me, LuciusTurn a cross five times. 1 guideTV AddictTurn on the television 5 times. Let there be Dark!Turn off lights 20 times. Music is all around usFind two ways to listen music from the music box. They see me rollinGet spotted 5 times. These things belong togetherCombine 6 items. SherlockOpen safe without hints. PyromaniacLet five people burn. I like this gamePlay 20 hours. 1 guideI'm addictedPlay 40 hours. 1 guideFrank MorrisEscape from storage jail. Devils TraineeComplete all tutorial's. Mommy's little helperComplete chores for all the presents.