Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Achievements Here is the full list of all 28 Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 28 Offline Mode 27 Single Player 28 Cooperative 5 Main Storyline 3 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Romantic GetawayFinish the tutorial. First DateBeat any level in two player mode. Space-man's Best FriendBeat any level with the help of your trusty space-pet. Bear-Knuckle BoxingDefeat Ursa Major. Wave GoodbyeDefeat Cetus. Belt It OutDefeat Orion. Love Has PrevailedDefeat King Cepheus. Clearing the AirFinish a level after removing all fog of war. Perfect DateFinish a level without taking damage. CootiesFinish a level without crossing paths with your partner. Dressed to the NinesFill up all gem slots in a fully upgraded ship. Love Is All You NeedPlay through a campaign without using any gems. Token of AffectionEarn one of each type of ship badge. All Creatures Great and SmallRescue every captured friend. Fight With Care, BearDefeat Ursa Major without taking a punch. Underwater ExpeditionDefeat Cetus while its head is underwater. SPF 1000Deliver the final blow to Orion using a solar flare. ExposedRemove all of King Cepheus's shields. Seat WarmerUse every station in a single level. Couples Dance LessonsPirouette 15 times in a single level. GenerosityThrow a gem into a station that is being used by another player. GemologistHave 10 unused gems in your ship at one time. The Spice of LifeUse three different types of Yamato weapons in a boss fight. Rocket ScienceEscape a white dwarf without shooting or ramming it. Warm EmbraceSurvive after being fully enveloped by a bomb trap. EntrapmentKill 20 enemies with security guns in a single level. OverprotectiveHave 20 cells at one time on the Metal-Beam shield. Missile KissMake two Power-Metal missiles collide.