Game action
Little Nightmares II


20 Mar 22
5h 38m

Little Nightmares II Achievements

Here is the full list of all 35 Little Nightmares II achievements. It takes around 8-10 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

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  • Toys Are For Kids

    There, you'll be much warmer now

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Popcorn

    Movie night on the ward - all taken care of!

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Hunger

    Plenty of snacks for a growing boy

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Objection

    Some holes are more picky than others

    Locked - 2 guides
  • First do no harm

    It's crueller to let him live

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Sick Kids

    Nothing of us remains in the hospital

    Locked - 1 guide
  • Post Industrial

    You punctuated someone's day. Maybe they'll notice!

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Unladylike

    Hello, have we met?

    Locked - 2 guides
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