Last Oasis Achievements Full list of all 40 Last Oasis achievements.The base game contains 35 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 5 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 38 Online Mode 37 Single Player 37 Cooperative 38 Versus 1 Main Storyline 12 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (3) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply You can't take the sand from meBuild a Firefly Walker Food chainKill a Phemke Primal instinctKill a Rupu Walking machineMan your first walker Defeating the desertTravel out of your Cradle Cliché tutorial achievementComplete the tutorial Gloves don't fitKill a player Can I toggle it off?Kill 100 players Positive climate impactKill 1000 players Beginner's luckBlock 10 attacks from other players Wrist exerciseBlock 100 attacks from other players Carpal tunnel syndromeBlock 1000 attacks from other players Possibly cheatingBlock 10000 attacks from other players Swinging chaoticallyHit other players 10 times Gitting gudHit other players 100 times Spamming maniacHit other players 1000 times Unnecessary violenceHit other players 10000 times Actually good at meleeFinish all PvP melee combat achievements Drag and lootLoot a draggable lootable chest with Ballista harpoon [Everyone disliked that]Loot 1000 Rupu camps. They're just defending their homes... Basically tomb raiderLoot 1000 chests from ruins DinghyBuild a Dinghy Walker A shoe or a knifeBuild a Stiletto Walker Beware of Lieutenant DunbarBuild a Buffalo Walker Container ship equivalentBuild a Tusker Walker Keep away from FlammenwerferBuild a Schmetterling Walker Free real estateBuild a Proxy Walker Delivery person's choiceBuild a Toboggan Walker Rock meBuild a Falco Walker Flat like the EarthBuild a Titan Walker Arachnophobia intensifiesBuild a Nomad Spider Walker Spiders with gunsBuild a Spider Walker with Ballista Sandy lowriderBuild a Hornet Walker He doesn't bite, I promiseKill a Nurr Local crab raveKill an Okkam Update Title Update 142 30 3 0.001289 (7%) All your base are belong to usBuild a Balang Walker Thanks for all the fishBuild a Silur Walker Blow me (away)Use a Superblow on a Battle Fan Update Title Update 2 198 20 2 0.0095 (56%) Size MattersParticipate in a successful worm hunt The Killing of a Sacred WormDeal the killing blow to a worm