Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective Achievements Here is the full list of all 41 Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply UnmazedGet all the Achievements in game. PathfinderCatch Mr X... or not. A Day at the MuseumFinish the Museum level with all its collectibles. Burning ManFinish the Street Party level with all its collectibles. Dogs & LaddersFinish the Downtown level with all its collectibles. CastlemaniaFinish the Southern Castle level with all its collectibles. WoodsmanFinish the Village in the Forest level with all its collectibles. Vampire DiariesFinish the Haunted Manor level with all its collectibles. Random Access MemoryFinish the The Forgotten City level with all its collectibles. SmugglerFinish the On the Docks level with all its collectibles. Personal ShopperFinish the Flea Market level with all its collectibles. Dear EscherFinish the Final Giant Maze with all its collectibles. Pirates!Get all the Chests. Ghost ReaderGet all the Pages from Mr X's Book. This is Pesquet!Get all the Stars. Ramenez la Coupe à la MaisonGet all the Trophies. True Maze DetectiveGet all the collectibles in game. You Shall Know The PastFind Gmlf in all the levels (apart from the Haunted Manor). The Last CrusadeFind Coco in all levels (except at the Southern Castle). Beyond Two SoulsFind Hoshi in all levels. Endangered SpeciesFind the Polar Bear in all levels. Walking SimWalk 10,000 steps. 007Listen to everything he has to tell you. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaFind the man who has seen the seabed maze. FireflyShoot both fireworks. 1 guideThe RoomLock yourself in the cage. BuissonsSearch all the bushes in the Museum. HooliganGet on the roof of a car. Mr X FilesFind Pierre's strange double. Jack was hereGrow the magic bean. The AnswerFind out whether the chicken or the egg was first. Rocky Horror Picture ShowShock Dr Frankenstein's creature 5 times. Sink, Mr X!Throw the rock into the sea. Just to be sure...Lock yourself behind the door that leads nowhere. Always has beenFind where the pink animals come from. Sorry CocoLaunch the real Golden Hen's rocket. Twin PeaksFind Pierre's twin sister. Where's Waldo?Find Waldo. Nice try!Press M to "open map". Tailor-Maze ExperienceChange an option in the option menu. Della, Donald, Huey, Dewey and LouieCatch 5 ducks.