Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective Achievements

Here is the full list of all 41 Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective achievements.

  • A Day at the Museum

    Finish the Museum level with all its collectibles.

  • Burning Man

    Finish the Street Party level with all its collectibles.

  • Dogs & Ladders

    Finish the Downtown level with all its collectibles.

  • Castlemania

    Finish the Southern Castle level with all its collectibles.

  • Woodsman

    Finish the Village in the Forest level with all its collectibles.

  • Vampire Diaries

    Finish the Haunted Manor level with all its collectibles.

  • Random Access Memory

    Finish the The Forgotten City level with all its collectibles.

  • Smuggler

    Finish the On the Docks level with all its collectibles.