Krater Achievements Here is the full list of all 41 Krater achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Hound SlayerKill 10 Vildhunds The HangoverComplete the Tutorial Lord KitchenerRecruit a Character Management by FearUse Team Management ThrombusDefeat Bloodclot PennywiseAmass a fortune of 100000 kr False AdvertisingVisit Frisktorp All Quiet on the Western FrontVisit Westerfall HubwardsVisit Solside City KratercraftCraft an item Champion of KraterReach rank 15 MagellanDiscover 10 locations Vasco da GamaDiscover 20 locations Salomon August AndréeDiscover 30 locations Leif ErikssonDiscover 40 locations Helping HandJoin a coop mission Wind BreakerKill Roger and his pet I am so electrifriedKill ElectroBert We are the freaksKill Cortex Even emergencies can waitEquip one Slow booster in a Medikus' Healing orb ability. Death KnightEquip three Damage boosters in a Bruiser's Stomp ability. Frying PanEquip three Damage boosters in a Regulator's Area slow ability. Gather around and listenEquip one Stamina booster in a Regulator's Area slow ability. I like JRPGsRecruit Yimmie I scratched the surfaceReach level 45 in the dungeon Limbo Keeping it realDefeat Bloodclot in hardcore mode Lollipop?Equip one Strength booster in a Medikus' Nano Stream ability. Medikus - who need's him?Equip three Healing boosters in a Regulator's Area slow ability killKill 8 enemies in 10 seconds None shall passEquip one Slow booster in a Bruiser's Cleave ability. Not so fastEquip one Slow booster in a Regulator's Tag ability. PaladinEquip three Healing boosters in a Bruiser's Stomp ability. Poster BoyRecruit a mutant Medikus Shadow MedicusEquip three Damage boosters in a Medikus' Healing Orb ability. Shield WallEquip three Defense booster in a Medikus' Heal ability. Stark Raving MadComplete “Stark raving mad” quest Tesla CoilRecruit a mutant Regulator They have a Cave TrollRecruit a mutant Bruiser Three Step RocketEquip one Strength booster in a Slayer's Lacerate ability. Twilight FanboyEquip three Healing boosters in a Slayer's Perforate ability. Yes I bet you haveComplete the “The Wretched Hive” quest