Insurgency: Sandstorm Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Insurgency: Sandstorm achievements. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply CarryingCapture an objective as the last member of the team alive. Turf WarBlock an objective from being captured and then clear it. Special DeliveryDestroy an enemy weapon cache using a remote explosive charge. Self-destructiveSuccessfully rig and destroy an enemy weapon cache. First BloodGet the first kill in a round. Flaccid ParalysisKill 3 enemies with a headshot in a row. 1 guideIt's All in the ReflexesKill an enemy with an enemy's live grenade. EfficientKill three or more enemies with a single grenade or explosive. High Speed Low DragKill an enemy right after performing a speed reload. Thanks Station!As a Commander, kill an enemy using fire support. PersonalKill an enemy with a knife. 1 guidePoint ShootingKill an enemy without using weapon sights. Knock KnockKill an enemy by bashing in a door. WallbangerKill an enemy by shooting through something. 1 guideGroundedDestroy an enemy air support vehicle. Road HazardDestroy an enemy vehicle with a mine. Designated DriverDrive a vehicle full of teammates for more than 15 seconds. Hit and RunKill an enemy with a vehicle. Mount & GunKill an enemy using the mounted weapon on a vehicle. J.R. .50Kill an enemy driver with the mounted weapon of their vehicle. Wet FeetComplete the tutorial mission. 1 guideFirefight VictoryWin a match of Firefight. Push VictoryWin a match of Push. Checkpoint VictoryWin a match of Checkpoint. Stylin'Purchase your first item in the Appearance menu. #1Be the Most Valuable Player of a round. Play to WinCapture 100 objectives. There For YouCall in fire support ten times as an Observer. ExploitativeKill an enemy while they are reloading. LuckyKill an enemy with the last bullet of your magazine. BangedKill an enemy after blinding them with a flashbang BlindfireKill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang CinematicKill an enemy while vaulting. 1 guideRuthlessKill an enemy by burning them. 1 guideSemper ParatusNavigate through chemical gas while wearing a gas mask.