Industries of Titan Achievements Here is the full list of all 83 Industries of Titan achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply This Moon Ain't Big Enough for the Both of UsSurvive your first Rebel attack You Must Construct Additional PylonsBuild a powered Energy Grid Hide adsArmed to the TeethBuild a ship with 4 weapons All Aboard!Build a ship with max Employees Let's Go, Girls!Use Call to Arms for the first time Living on Burrowed TimeUse Burrow for the first time It's All MineMine a Resource Node Making ConnectionsBuild a Level 3 connected building Chain of CommandBuild your first Command Center Ship-shapeBuild and launch your first ship Titan Radio ConnoisseurHear every track on the soundtrack I Want it That WayPlay on a custom map OwOWhat's this? Fully StaffedHave 200 Employees alive at the same time Stayin' AliveWin ship-to-ship combat with less that 10% hull points remaining Bustling CityHave 1000 Citizens alive at the same time A Minor SetbackHave a city with 50 Destroyed Buildings at one time Procrastination NationReach 2,000 stored Waste Keep on Truckin'Own 100 Trucks in a single game Power Overwhelming!Destroy 10 Rebel ships Power Overwhelming!!Destroy 100 Rebel ships Power Overwhelming!!!Destroy 1,000 Rebel ships Mineral Monarchy IHarvest 1,000 Minerals lifetime Mineral Monarchy IIHarvest 10,000 Minerals lifetime Mineral Monarchy IIIHarvest 100,000 Minerals lifetime Isotope So!Harvest 100 Isotopes lifetime Isotope So!!Harvest 1,000 Isotopes lifetime Isotope So!!!Harvest 10,000 Isotopes lifetime Prepare for Launch!Launch 10 ships lifetime Prepare for Launch!!Launch 100 ships lifetime Prepare for Launch!!!Launch 1,000 ships lifetime Operation Cwal IBuild 100 buildings lifetime Operation Cwal IIBuild 1,000 buildings lifetime Operation Cwal IIIBuild 10,000 buildings lifetime Acceptable Losses IHave 100 Citizens die, total lifetime Acceptable Losses IIHave 1,000 Citizens die, total lifetime Acceptable Losses IIIHave 10,000 Citizens die, total lifetime High Turnover IConvert 100 Employees, total lifetime High Turnover IIConvert 1,000 Employees, total lifetime High Turnover IIIConvert 10,000 Employees, total lifetime Just Getting StartedHave over 10 hours playtime Cottage IndustryHave over 100 hours playtime Titan of IndustryHave over 1,000 hours playtime Haste Makes Waste IGenerate 100 Waste lifetime Haste Makes Waste IIGenerate 1,000 Waste lifetime Haste Makes Waste IIIGenerate 10,000 Waste lifetime This is Fine IBurn 100 Waste, total lifetime This is Fine IIBurn 1,000 Waste, total lifetime This is Fine IIIBurn 10,000 Waste, total lifetime Council's Pet ISpend 100 Influence Council's Pet IISpend 1,000 Influence Council's Pet IIISpend 10,000 Influence In it for the Long Haul ITransport 2,000 resources In it for the Long Haul IITransport 20,000 resources In it for the Long Haul IIITransport 200,000 resources Fodder IAccept 10 migrant ships Fodder IIAccept 100 migrant ships Fodder IIIAccept 1,000 migrant ships Show Me the Money IGain 100,000 Credits Show Me the Money IIGain 1,000,000 Credits Show Me the Money IIIGain 10,000,000 Credits Rebuild, Die, Repeat IRebuild 10 buildings Rebuild, Die, Repeat IIRebuild 100 buildings Rebuild, Die, Repeat IIIRebuild 1,000 buildings Prospector ISurvey 10 Ruins Prospector IISurvey 100 Ruins Prospector IIISurvey 1,000 Ruins Salvager ISalvage 10 Ruins Salvager IISalvage 100 Ruins Salvager IIISalvage 1,000 Ruins Tech Wizard IExtract 10 Ruins Tech Wizard IIExtract 100 Ruins Tech Wizard IIIExtract 1,000 Ruins Shields Up IDeflect 10 shots with shields Shields Up IIDeflect 100 shots with shields Shields Up IIIDeflect 1,000 shots with shields Filter? I Hardly Know 'er!Change the filters on a storage building or device Say My NameRename a building, worker, ship or ship floor Feeling GassyBuild a Fuel Turbine that pulls Xethane from at least three crevices or sinkholes Call Me, MaybeContact your Advisor for help #selfieTake a picture in Photo Mode You Had One JobDedicate an Employee to a Job Better Late Than NeverLaunch your only ship while your HQ is under attack