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In Celebration of Violence

In Celebration of Violence Achievements

Here is the full list of all 86 In Celebration of Violence achievements.

  • Hoarder

    I filled my bags with every good I could find. I'll eventually either sell it all or make myself some nice weapons.

  • Efficient Execution

    It would have taken far too long to do each prisoner independently, so I lined three of them up and killed them all with one swing.

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  • At Veil's Door

    I'll die if I don't stop the bleeding.

  • Cold Snap

    I knew he could see me with those frozen eyes. One quick thrust and the blood welled up through a hole in the ice. He never had a chance.

  • Healthy

    I need to stay as healthy as possible.

  • Death by Flaming Arrow

    I've found a great way to scare off bears and other large beasts. If I'm lucky I may end up cooking dinner too.

  • Storm Brewin'

    No time to even react. There was a flash and an incomprehensibly loud noise. A moment later the three bandits laid smoldering on the scorched ground.

  • Toro

    The boar is beginning its charge. Now is the time to strike!

  • Popular

    I'll need at least ten loyal followers to take up my cause.

  • The Greatest Memory

    These shards of crystallized experience are scattered everywhere. I've counted at least five hundred so far. Think of all the memories I'll have!

  • The Lord of the Flies

    Is there even still a man amongst the cloud of flies?

  • Smithy

    Why go to the trouble of purchasing and transporting steel ingots when I can just break down the five or so weapons I keep at home?

  • Forgemaster

    Day in, run the forge. Day out, run the forge. Only fifty ingots and already me arms are near to falling off.

  • Should Have Been There

    There was nothing i could do... The fight was over but he was bleeding badly and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I just kept walking.

  • Defensive

    Go ahead tire yourself out upon my shield.

  • Learned

    I poured through the library and found five books that should be of great help to me. Now to deal with my insatiable thirst...

  • Pious

    My god loves me. I have dedicated my life to him and he'll surely not abandon me now. Right?

  • Backstabber

    All these soldiers always yelling about honor on the battlefield. I'll stick to the shadows, thank you. Honor means little when you're dead.

  • Bloodied Bandit

    I've a sizable bag of coin now and all it took was five murders.

  • Vengeance for the Meek

    I may be a simple farmer, but The Warmonger has gone too far. He has to die.

  • The Bloody Sacrifice

    I've performed this ritual three times already.

  • Perfect Shot

    Think I can get them both if I aim just right...

  • Surpassing the Master

    Just how much of a mage could a chunk of obsidian really be anyway? Time for some new blood.

  • Battle Ready

    Never enter a battle without your armor. This suit has protected me for decades.

  • Humble Godslayer

    I don't need any useless memories to distract me from my task.

  • Elementalist

    The only way to truly appreciate magic is to master its every form.

  • To the Death

    I'm not done yet... And you'll be coming with me!

  • Weapon Mastery

    I have a dozen different weapons here. Any of them will suit my needs.

  • Kingslayer

    He may be imprisoned, but that is no justice for his crimes. My army will show him true justice.

  • Arms Dealer

    I've recently purchased five marvelous weapons.

  • Fractured Mind

    All these different memories... I don't know who I am anymore.

  • One Solution

    Pray to Thousandfold that you may continue to incite violence. But don't pray too hard.

  • All I See Is Red

    Did I do this...? Maybe what they say about me is true.

  • Weaponsmith

    It's going to take at least a hundred ingots to make everything I want.

  • Self Reflection

    Become a Monster.

  • Explorer

    Discover 100,000 map tiles.

  • Treasure Hunter

    I have four treasure maps here. Mayhap i can decipher them all!

  • Back to the Grindstone

    It started out as just a simple weapon. Now I am sure it could slay a god.

  • Ghost

    I made it through... Nobody even knows I was here.

  • My Hands Are Clean

    I need not soil my gloves with trivialities like god-slaying. Others will do it for me.

  • A World Dies

    The children of Sow shall stand no longer. Destroy a hundred or half again as many and let us see this sleeping god react.

  • Experimental Liquids

    Ten vials. All different colors. Let us see what happens.

  • No Weapon Required

    A weapon is far too impersonal for this denizen of violence. I only trust my fists.

  • A Mutually Assured Death

    The half dozen heathens thought me dead. My wounds may be fatal but my resolve is stronger than ever. None of us will leave this room alive.

  • Simple Weapon Proficiency

    Who needs all those fancy weapons? I have my trusty blade right here. I call her Godkiller. Never even been sharpened.

  • No Time to Lose

    I reached my journey's end in only fifteen minutes.

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