Hotline Miami Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Hotline Miami achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 35 Offline Mode 35 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 1 Collectable 5 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Combo BeginnerPerform a 4x combo Combo IntermediatePerform a 6x combo Combo ProPerform a 8x combo Combo MasterPerform a 10x combo Combo KingPerform a 12x combo The End?Beat the mainstory That's It?Beat the epilogue This Is ItBeat the epilogue with secret ending Aced ItGet an A+ on any chapter Get A LifeGet A+ on all the chapters 1989Kill 1989 enemies Dog LoverKill 99 dogs Let In Some AirDestroy 200 glass panels Nigel LowrieUse a human shield Two Birds With One StoneKill two enemies with the same brick in one throw Plain LuckKill three or more enemies with the same brick in one throw 1 guidePlaying PoolKill an enemy with a brick bounced against a wall Domino EffectThrow a weapon at an enemy so that his weapon hits another Zoo KeeperCollect all the masks Sounds of Animals FightingWear all masks at least once I Got New FriendsUnlock all weapons Guns For Showuse all guns at least once Knife For Prosuse all melee weapon at least once Pitcheruse all throwing weapon at least once Always On TopPerform every ground kill in the game These Are My GunsComplete chapter five barehanded KarmaDie 1000 times Achievement WhoreUnlock all achievements 1 guideSmell Something BurningKill the crapping gangster with a fireaxe 1 guideBatmanClear chapter 2 using Nigel the Bat Sewer AlligatorFind Jones The Crocodile Cat FightKill the panthers using Brandon the Panther 1 guide60 To CarGo to the car 60 times Eye For DetailsCollect all the puzzle pieces The BossSolve the puzzle