Game action
Henchman Story

Henchman Story Achievements

Here is the full list of all 26 Henchman Story achievements.

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  • A Heroic Duo

    Learned how to do what you love with who you love. (Ending #6)

  • Henchman of the Year

    Became the best henchman you could be, no matter what. (Ending #7)

  • Casual Villainy

    Some supervillains have everything, and some henchman do too. (Ending #8)

  • Twisted

    Burned it all to the ground for each other. (Ending #9)

  • Lord Stanley

    Became a true supervillain. (Ending #10)

  • A Real Dynamo

    Formed an unlikely bond. (Ending #11)

  • Agent Stan

    Welcome to the program. (Ending #12)

  • Collector

    Got every ending in Henchman Story. Way to go!

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