HERO DEFENSE Achievements Here is the full list of all 33 HERO DEFENSE achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply SlayerKill 50,000 Creeps SpellmasterKill 500 Creeps with Spells SaviourFully upgrade the Village Master BlacksmithUpgrade every weapon to the highest level It BeginsReach the Village He Is HereSurvive your first encounter with Count Necrosis The FatherDefeat Count Necrosis Family LegacyDefeat Count Necrosis, once and for all Bone CrusherDefeat Bones O'Malley GranimosityDefeat the Queen of Corpses Hell Hath No FuryDefeat Dr. Amalgam King of WolvesDefeat Redfang Wrathborn EnvyDefeat Alana Nightshade GravediggerUnlock Barrows Burn Them!Unlock Sam Hain Pretty DeadlyUnlock Jane Doe HalfbloodUnlock Wylde Blot Out the SunHave Jack shoot 10 bolts at once Viva lá RevolucionKill any boss using only Angry Mobs Everybody Be CoolHave Barrows slow at least 20 creeps with a single attack Fantastic FiveHave all heroes do their Hero's Strike at the same time Trigger HappyWin a map on Insane difficulty with 100% Early Called waves HoarderHave at least one rune of each type Orbs, Orbs, OrbsCharge a character to level 10 Like a RockComplete the "Tower Defense" challenge on Insane difficulty on any map The WardenComplete the "Border Warden" challenge on Insane difficulty on any map Coast GuardComplete the "Coast Guard" challenge on Insane difficulty on any map 1 guideBig ThanksWatch the credits to the end 1 guideSilent But DeadlyHit at least 20 creeps with a single poison spell OverkillKill a creep that is slowed, poisoned, burning, cursed, scared and cut by razor splinters at the same time SuperstarGather all stars on all maps. Wave BreakerDefeat over 100 waves in the Endless Mode. GhostbusterDefeat the Ghost Pumpkin.