Grim Clicker Achievements Here is the full list of all 56 Grim Clicker achievements. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Young soulPerform 1 ritual Ritual masterPerform 10 rituals Dark arts practitionerPerform 20 rituals Hell ChurchPerform 50 rituals Ritual preparationCollect 50 Candles Taste for fireCollect 100 Candles More candles!Collect 250 candles A bunch of candles!Collect 500 candles Rich chest!Open 1 chest Grim chest!Open 10 chests Celestial chest!Open 20 chests Boss' chest!Open 3 boss chests Living chest!Open 30 chests Shard chest!Open shard chest BlacksmithUpgrade any weapon JewelerUpgrade any item ConstructorDissasemble any item First barrierRemove one lock Free handsRemove three locks Master of smithingUpgrade weapon to quality 5 Hands of goldUpgrade weapon to quality 10 Blacksmith DemiurgeUpgrade weapon to quality 15 CivilizationFind people on the shard HeadhunterComplete 10 quests JourneymanComplete 50 quests DiscovererComplete 100 quests Self-developmentGet level 5 Advanced trainingGet level 10 Higher educationGet level 20 SturdyGet 5 strenght StrongmanGet 10 strenght Steel musclesGet 15 strenght DemonGet 20 strenght NimbleGet 5 dixterity TricksterGet 10 dixterity AcrobatGet 15 dexterity SerpentGet 20 dexterity ApprenticeGet 5 wisdom AcolyteGet 10 wisdom SageGet 15 wisdom ProdigyGet 20 wisdom SlayerKill 5 bosses BattlerKill 10 bosses DeathKill 20 bosses Parallel WorldsReach Zone 5 TeleportatorReach Zone 10 Quantum leapReach Zone 50 Who is the champion?Kill 1 champion GladiatorKill 25 champions Primal flameKill 500 champions Firefly - is your guy!Kill 20 fireflies Firefly raidKill 1000 fireflies Firefly armyKill 10000 fireflies ClickerClick 500 times ConcentratedClick 5000 times Everything's under controlClick 50000 times