Here is the full list of all 24 Greak: Memories of Azur achievements.
Arrive at the Raven's Road Camp.
Complete the "A Taste from Home" quest.
Complete the "An Escape Plan" quest.
Complete the "The Missing Oracle" quest.
Complete the "Following His Light" quest.
Look from the telescope.
Hold more than 500 Cribes.
Defeat 30 Plague Crawlers.
Obtain the Scout Medal.
Defeat Ryssar Odekt, The Urlag Bonebreaker.
Defeat Glekt Kahnem, The Urlag Scout Leader.
Defeat Kaafor Jor Dza, The Urlag Warlock.
Defeat Ankar, The Urlag Frost Warlord.
Defeat Ivekt, The Urlag Conqueror.
Complete the challenge at the Scouts' Altar.
Complete the challenge at the Oracles' Altar.
Complete the challenge at the Warriors' Altar.
Deliver Darian's Diary to Riiam.
Cook all 11 edible ingredients combination results.
Finish the game.
Finish the game saving your progress maximum 5 times in total.
Defeat one Urlag Boss without being damaged.
Collect the 15 Relics in the game.
Finish the game in under 3 hours.