Goose Goose Duck Achievements Here is the full list of all 38 Goose Goose Duck achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Welcome to the GaggleComplete 1 Game Novice GooseComplete 10 Games A New HobbyComplete 100 Games AbducktedComplete 1000 Games GoosetacularComplete 5000 Games Task TurtleComplete 10 Tasks Task RabbitComplete 50 Tasks Task FoxComplete 500 Tasks Task EagleComplete 5000 Tasks Task CheetahComplete 25000 Tasks DuckKill 1 Goose Murderous!Kill 10 Geese Duck of DeathKill 75 Geese Duck UndertakerKill 500 Geese The ProfessionalKill 2500 Geese SabotageSabotage 1 Time That was IntentionalSabotage 10 Times I've Done This BeforeSabotage 100 Times Thrive on ChaosSabotage 750 Times Duck TerroristSabotage 2500 Times Win a GameVictory The Winner's CircleWin 5 Games So Much WinningWin 75 Games Tired of WinningWin 500 Games Chicken DinnerWin 2500 Games Hello?Use the Intercom 3 Times Is it me,Use the Intercom 10 Times You're looking for?Use the Intercom 100 Times I can see it in your eyes.Use the Intercom 750 Times I can see it in your smile.Use the Intercom 3500 Times The Cleanup CrewSort Waste or Eject Garbage 500 times. Warp 9 EngagedCall Warp 9 A Day at the SpaTest Hot Water 250 Times R-ejectedGet ejected 100 times into space. DapperOnly have the diamond ring in the trash ejection. I'm Going to Burn This PlaceFail to Scan your ID card in one game over 10 times We need more Lemon PledgeClean Manifolds or Disinfect Showers 500 times Written Out of the ScriptGet Sucked Out of the Ship.