Goblin Rules Football Achievements

Here is the full list of all 26 Goblin Rules Football achievements.

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  • The little l (not a capital I or one)

    You lost a singleplayer game to a poorly coded AI. Don't worry, you're future still looks bright!

  • 1v1 me bro

    You took your game to the mean streets of 1v1 goblin rules football

  • Squad Rolling Out

    Playing with friends? Randos? Doesn't matter. You're a 3 person squad squad now. Time to ride or die in your first 3v3 match.

  • Lord have mercy

    Losing a game by getting mercy ruled is embarrassing. But, hey, I have good news. It could always happen again

  • Mercy is for the weak

    You SMASHED your opponent on the field of Goblin Rules Football until the mercy rule saved them from further embarrassment

  • Stubbed toe

    Ouch! Running into rocks, logs, and the other detritus littering the field is a bad idea. Avoid at all costs!

  • Touchdown!

    You rumbled, tumbled, and nearly fumbled your way to the endzone and TOUCHED THE BALL DOWN to score your first touchdown! Wow!

  • Ten Dubs

    10 wins? In a row??? Oh, not in a row. Oh well. Still impressive? Maybe?

  • Little Pile of L's

    10 loses. Who do you think you are? The Chicago Bears? (please don't get mad at me Bears fans)

  • A Century of Wins

    100 wins. #wow #whoa

  • A Molehill of L's

    After 100 loses, don't you think it's time to retire? (Please don't actually stop playing my game)

  • Kilo-wins

    1,000 wins. Who thought You'd ever do it? not me. I can't believe anyone has played this game that long. What are you even getting out of it at this point?

  • A Mountain of L's

    Your perseverance is admirable. Your skill is not.

  • The Kick is GOOD!!!

    Congratulations on making your kick after attempt! Your reward? 2 points instead of 1 just because of how special I think you are.

  • Ten Uprights Split

    10 made kicks. Maybe try from a harder spot next time?

  • 100 KECS

    Sorry, 100 KICKS made, not KECS. Stupid horse...

  • So Many Kicks, Maybe Too Many Kicks?

    1,000 kicks made. 2,000 points scored just from kicks. It's no Adam Vinatieri, but at least you tried.

  • 10 Balls on the Ground (Pick them up!)

    10 Touchdowns. Scion tC. 100 MPH. It all makes sense now.

  • Un Hundredo Touchdown-o's

    100 touchdowns scored. Pretty good. Solid Production. Jerry Rice scored 208, though, so maybe put in a little more effort?

  • One Thousand Touchdowns

    After a thousand touchdowns, aren't your legs a little tired?

  • Howdy Howdy Howdy

    A friendly YEEHAW to you too, good sir or madam or whatever honorific you go by

  • Chain Smoker

    100 yeehaws while on my smoke break? How often am I smoking these?

  • Smokers Rights

    After 1,000 yeehaws, have you ever bothered to ask WHY I have to smoke outside like this? Hmm? I guess I'm just a second class citizen that looks cute as hell in this little cowboy outfit.

  • Beta Blocker

    BLOCKED! Block a kick to send it right back in their face!

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