Game of Thrones Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Game of Thrones achievements. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 2 Collectable 33 Missable 4 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Winter is comingFinish chapter 1 Family is hope...Finish chapter 2 Dark wings, dark wordsFinish chapter 3 Hear me roarFinish chapter 4 Proud to be faithfulFinish chapter 5 Dead men sing no songsFinish chapter 6 Here we standFinish chapter 7 Family, duty, honorFinish chapter 8 Unbowed, unbent, unbrokenFinish chapter 9 Fire and bloodFinish chapter 10 Come try meFinish chapter 11 As high as honorFinish chapter 12 Growing strongFinish chapter 13 Valar morghulisFinish chapter 14 The night is dark...Finish chapter 15 Red priest of R'hllorFinish Alester's story Sworn brotherFinish Mors' Story DisciplinarianChapter 1: confront the four recruits during the training session with Mors Know your placeChapter 2: protect the nobility with Alester Man of the peopleChapter 2: protect the people with Alester End of the lineChapter 6: don't lose pursuit of the bastard BloodhoundChapter 7: find all the corrupt brothers of the Night's Watch Once more unto the breachChapter 7: attack the camp without killing the sentries at the start Am I not merciful?Chapter 8: save Orys from the City Watch DesecrationChapter 8: find the key in Alester's father's tomb The butcher comes to dinnerChapter 9: kill 6 of Lord Harlton's soldiers during the fight at dinner 'Tis but a scratch !Chapter 9: suffer all the physical abuse during the torture sequence Swift and deadlyChapter 11: bring an end to the trial by combat in under 2 minutes Unrivaled strategistChapter 12: take back Riverspring with a total victory Quiet as a shadowChapter 13: reach Jeyne's room without ever being seen Lesser of two evilsChapter 14: come to the aid of the Reapers My darkest hourChapter 15: execute the judgement passed down on the Westfords The true face of the SpiderLose the final battle ThoroughComplete all the secondary objectives of the story The GreatestEmerge triumphant in the final arena combat Endless watchSend 10 recruits to the Wall with Mors CollectorSeize the three objects of value from the Collector with Alester PimpConvince Bethany to return to Chataya's brothel with Alester Devout followerFind all the statues of the Seven Fetch!Use Mors' dog's sense of smell to find 5 secret objects R'hllor sees allFind 10 secrets with the vision of R'hllor Golden touchAcquire 1 golden dragon Man's best friendKill 10 enemies with Mors' dog in skinchanger mode True warriorKill 400 enemies MercilessMete out 5 deathblows Great teamworkFinish the game without a single ally (except Mors and Alester) being KO'd WarlordReach the maximum level Master-at-armsLearn all skills within a character's stance tree Master of light and flameGain all the skills linked to R'hllor's fire with Alester Clever dogGain all the skills linked to the dog with Mors