Force of Nature 2: Ghost Keeper Achievements Here is the full list of all 38 Force of Nature 2: Ghost Keeper achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply MarionetteBeat the game ReturnCome back home Full setTame every kind of animal FarmerGrow 5000 plants Blood lustKill 7000 enemies Soul masterTame a ghost First bloodDie first time Bad playerDie 10 times BuilderBuild 200 constructions SluggardSleep 10 times TravelerTeleport 200 times DemomanExplode the blockage ExperiencedGet level 3 Happy New Year!Spent 365 days in the game LumberjackCut down 1000 trees MasonDestroy 200 rocks AlchemistCraft item of excellent quality CaverExplore all the caves in the swamps ObedienceUnlock max level of "Orb Control" DefenderChase away a raccoon HistorianFind all tablets TreasuresFind treasures Ancient magicActivate all swamp idols LiberatorDefeat final boss Lord of metalDefeat boss of canyon Sea stormDefeat boss of islands InquisitorDefeat boss of swamps DestroyerDefeat boss of mountains SturdyGet max level of "Health" SprinterUnlock max level of "Sprint" Robin HoodUnlock max level of "Accuracy" Light in the darknessUnlock max level of "Orb light" HealerUnlock max level of "Orb healing" SteroidsUnlock max level of "Stamina" SherlockKill the invisible Ancient ritualSolve the runes puzzle СleanerRemove 100 piles of garbage PigWait until 250 items are rotten