Football Manager 2022 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 98 Football Manager 2022 achievements.

  • Unstoppable Force

    Your team scored the most league goals over an entire season

  • Iron Curtain

    Your team conceded the fewest league goals over an entire season

  • Scoring Streak

    Your team scored in 10 consecutive competitive matches

  • Unbeatable!

    Your team was unbeaten in 10 consecutive competitive matches

  • Parked The Tank

    Your team didn't concede a goal in 10 consecutive competitive matches

  • National Service

    You were offered a job in senior international management

  • The Boss

    You won the Manager Of The Year award

  • Best In Europe

    Your player won a European Player award

  • World Renowned

    You have made it into the worldwide hall of fame

  • Headhunted

    You were offered a job by a larger team than you were managing

  • He's Sold!

    You sold a player to another team

  • Thumping

    Your team won a competitive match by at least 5 goals

  • Going Places

    Your board decide to build a new stadium

  • Overachiever!

    Your team was chosen as the league overachieving team

  • Record Signing

    You broke your club's record transfer fee spent on a player

  • Record Sale

    You broke your club's record transfer fee received for a player

  • On A Roll

    Your team hasn't lost in 20 matches

  • Top Form

    Your team hasn't lost in 30 matches

  • Immovable Object

    Your team hasn't conceded a goal in 30 consecutive competitive matches

  • Icon

    You have received 10 Manager Of The Year awards

  • Immortality

    You have received 20 Manager Of The Year awards

  • Childhood Dream

    Get offered the chance to manage your favourite team

  • National Hero

    You have won promotion from the bottom to the top division in a nation

  • Tête-à-tête

    You have won a match against another person on a Network Game