Fist Puncher

Fist Puncher

Game action
Fist Puncher


05 Sep 14
1h 43m

Fist Puncher Achievements

Here is the full list of all 99 Fist Puncher achievements.

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  • Nude Beach

    Defeat the Nude Beach level. We're sorry for putting you through that.

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Cheese Head

    Collect the following items: 5 Pieces of Cheese

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Picnic Time

    Collect the following items: 3 Spunk Sodas, 2 Watermelons, 2 Hotdogs, 2 Hamburgers

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Cultist Crusher

    It's Waco, Texas all over gain. Defeat 200 enemy cultists to get this achievement.

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Orchards

    Defeat the Orchards level. And, no, there is not a hidden, apple-picking mini-game.

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Subway Gas Attack

    Defeat the Subway Gas Attack level. Cultists. Can't trust 'em.

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Sobtanian Crimelord

    Defeat Sobtanian, the beats-loving electro-punk.

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
  • Take Out The Trash

    Defeat 5 Enemies by throwing trash at them. If this game had money, you'd also get a citation for throwing garbage all over the streets of our fair city.

    05 September 2014 - Add a guide
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