Fist Puncher Achievements Here is the full list of all 99 Fist Puncher achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Dr. KarateComplete any level with Dr. Karate. Dr. Karate Foot PowerDefeat 25 enemies using Dr. Karate's Flash Kick. Hide adsDr. Karate Kick MasterDefeat 25 enemies using Dr. Karate's Crane Kick. The BeekeeperComplete any level with the Beekeeper. The Beekeeper Fatal StingDefeat 25 enemies using the Beekeeper's Tornado Kick. The Beekeeper Mega SwarmDefeat 25 enemies using the Beekeeper's bees. Hella FistgeraldComplete any level with Hella Fistgerald. Hella Derby SmashDefeat 25 enemies using Hella Fistgerald's Slide Sweep Attack. Hella Heart BreakerConvert 25 enemies using Hella Fistgerald's Flirtatious Kiss Attack. Steroid JacksonComplete any level with Steroid Jackson. Steroid Jackson Back BreakerDefeat 25 enemies using Steroid Jackson's Backbreaker. Steroid Jackson Andro StompDefeat 25 enemies using Steroid Jackson's Stomp. O'GradyComplete any level with O'Grady. O'Grady Stun Gun HappyDefeat 25 enemies using O'Grady's Stun Gun Attack. O'Grady Boot + FaceDefeat 25 enemies using O'Grady's Riot Kick Attack. Kid JusticeComplete any level with Kid Justice. Kid Justice Bully BeatdownDefeat 25 enemies using Kid Justice's Flash Dive Attack. Kid Justice Schoolyard SmashDefeat 25 enemies using Kid Justice's Eye Gouge Attack. De CapitanComplete any level with De Capitan. De Capitan Low BlowDefeat 25 enemies using De Capitan's Leg Sweep Attack. De Capitan Masked AvengerDefeat 25 enemies using De Capitan's Superman Punch Attack. Preston EndicottComplete any level with Preston Endicott. Preston Endicott Tornado KickDefeat 25 enemies using Preston Endicott's Tornado Kick. Preston Endicott Classy HeadbuttDefeat 25 enemies using Preston Endicott's Headbutt Attack. Bad TripCollect the following items: 25 Mushrooms Vegetarian ChefCollect the following items: 2 Tomatoes, 2 Eggplants, 2 Ears of Corn, 2 Carrots, 2 Green Peppers So ThirstyCollect the following items: 10 Spunk Colas, 5 Sporty Spunk Drinks Zombie Survival KitCollect the following items: 2 First Aid Kits, 3 D Batteries, 2 Walkie Talkies, 1 Flashlight, 1 Duct Tape, 1 Pocket Knife Cheese HeadCollect the following items: 5 Pieces of Cheese Salsa PartyCollect the following items: 3 Tomatoes, 5 Chilli Peppers, 1 Garlic Clove Junk Food GluttonCollect the following items: 1 Spunk Cola, 1 Cupcake, 1 Muffin, 1 Cheesecake, 1 Icecream Sandwich Picnic TimeCollect the following items: 3 Spunk Sodas, 2 Watermelons, 2 Hotdogs, 2 Hamburgers Fruit KickerCollect the following items: 100 Pieces of Fruit Hapless RomanticCollect the following items: 2 Perfumes, 2 Bottles of Wine, 2 Rings, 1 Red Rose Coffee Shop HipsterCollect the following items: 1 Spunk Coffee, 5 Books, 1 Pair of Glasses HoarderCollect 100 unique items. WharfDefeat the Wharf level. What's up with that dude wearing shades at night? Playmore ParkDefeat the Playmore Park level. There are kids out there that want to play on the slide! King StreetDefeat the King Street level. You're a real tough guy. Side ScrollerDefeat all of the sidescrolling chase levels. Maybe you should try some Canabalt. Hijackers BewareDefeat all of the hijacked delivery truck levels. And capitalism is restored! Nude BeachDefeat the Nude Beach level. We're sorry for putting you through that. Anarchy WayDefeat the Anarchy Way level. Extra points for curb stomping anarchists. Subway Gas AttackDefeat the Subway Gas Attack level. Cultists. Can't trust 'em. OrchardsDefeat the Orchards level. And, no, there is not a hidden, apple-picking mini-game. 6th Street BlockadeDefeat the 6th Street Blockade level. Good-for-nothing riot cops. Dry ViaductDefeat the Dry Viaduct level. This city could use some gentrification. Bill's StorageDefeat the Bill's Storage level. We wanted to bid on locker #5. Too late now. WarehouseDefeat the Warehouse level. Don't get distracted by men in suspenders. Dracogen LabDefeat the Dracogen Lab level. No stopping for science experiments. Battle RoyalDefeat the Battle Royal level. You're a regular Bob Backlund. Stripper TownDefeat the Stripper Town level. We won't ask any questions. HelicoptersDefeat the Helicopters level. Pat youself on the back. You're fighting entire armies now. Subway PassDefeat all 5 subway levels. How green of you to take mass transit. Take Out The TrashDefeat 5 Enemies by throwing trash at them. If this game had money, you'd also get a citation for throwing garbage all over the streets of our fair city. Foreign ObjectDefeat 50 Enemies using bats, mauls, or shovels. No reason to fight fair in Fist Puncher. Fuel Efficient Smack DownShow that all those hours at the gym paid off. Defeat 1 enemy by hoisting a smart car over your head and throwing it at him. Jump KickerReal men use their fists, but we give credit where credit is due. Defeat 50 enemies using the jump kick attack. High FructoseDefeat 1 enemy by throwing a soda machine at him. And remember to take a break from Fist Puncher and drink a refreshing Mint Spunk Cola. Corpse ThrowerDefeat 1 enemy by throwing the helpless, flailing body of a second enemy at him. Cultist CrusherIt's Waco, Texas all over gain. Defeat 200 enemy cultists to get this achievement. Video GrapplerDefeat 100 enemy luchadores, and prove to the world that you're no jobroni. Prison WardenSolve the country's prison crowding woes. Defeat 100 enemy prisoners. Karate HellDefeat any level using Dr. Karate and Hella Fistgerald. Kid KeeperDefeat any level using Kid Justice and the Beekeeper. Bash BrothersDefeat any level using Steroid Jackson and De Capitan. Fan FavoritesDefeat any level using Dr. Karate and the Beekeeper. Above The LawDefeat any level using Kid Justice and O'Grady. One PercentersDefeat any level using Preston Endicott and Dr. Karate. DerbyBall All-StarsDefeat any level using Hella Fistgerald and Steroid Jackson. Street EnforcersDefeat any level using O'Grady and De Capitan. Upstairs DownstairsDefeat any level using Preston Endicott and O'Grady. Miss ChinaRescue Miss Fist Puncher China. Miss CanadaRescue Miss Fist Puncher Canada. Miss FranceRescue Miss Fist Puncher France. Miss RussiaRescue Miss Fist Puncher Russia. Miss JapanRescue Miss Fist Puncher Japan. Miss UKRescue Miss Fist Puncher UK. Miss USARescue Miss Fist Puncher USA. Miss BrazilRescue Miss Fist Puncher Brazil. Miss MexicoRescue Miss Fist Puncher Mexico. Sobtanian CrimelordDefeat Sobtanian, the beats-loving electro-punk. Stabby Rascal CrimelordDefeat Stabby Rascal and his gang of toughs. Grizzly Yves CrimelordDefeat the devilish Grizzly Yves and his seafaring followers. Big Hans CrimelordDefeat Big Hans and his band of ruffians. Brother Antlers CrimelordDefeat Brother Antlers, the psychotic cult ruler. Nurse King-Fu CrimelordDefeat Nurse Kung-Fu, the wicked hospital taskmaster. Roger CrimelordDefeat Roger atop his tower of doom. General Kony CrimelordDefeat General Kony and his army of vile thugs. The Milkman CrimelordDefeat the murdering, mustachioed Milkman, AND then complete any level with Milkman. Lady Chop ChopDefeat Lady Chop Chop and her deadly steel blade, AND then complete any level with Lady Chop Chop. Dogsworth McFreedomYou threw a dog and killed someone. We're calling Animal Protection. ZotmeisterDefeat any level using Zotmeister. Steven DenglerDefeat any level using Steven Dengler. Ash VickersDefeat any level using Ash Vickers. Chairman KodoshinDefeat any level using Chairman Kodoshin. Lock 'n' LoadConfiscate 20 firearms from enemies. Grave DiggerDefeat an enemy on the Cemetery Level with a shovel. Quentin Le LoupDefeat any level using Quentin Le Loup.