Far Cry 5 Achievements Full list of all 72 Far Cry 5 achievements.The base game contains 51 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 21 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 22 Offline Mode 6 Online Mode 44 Online/Offline 69 Single Player 47 Cooperative 2 Versus 30 Host Only 1 Community 15 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 7 Collectable 8 Missable 19 Cumulative + 1 Level 7 Shop 3 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The SparkComplete the game intro by liberating Dutch’s island (Solo Campaign only). You Are WrathBe deemed the Sin of Wrath (Solo Campaign only). Special DeliveryEnsure a baby's safe passage into this world (Solo Campaign only). Only YouSucessfully complete the First Trial (Solo Campaign only). Walk The PathDiscover the Bliss (Solo Campaign only). Together ForeverGet to the End (Solo Campaign only). Saving Deputy HudsonSave Deputy Hudson (Solo Campaign only). BlissfulSave the Marshal from the Bliss (Solo Campaign only). Saving Sheriff WhitehorseSave Sheriff Whitehorse (Solo Campaign only). Saving Deputy PrattSave Deputy Pratt (Solo Campaign only). Science FactPut aside skepticism and help Larry (Solo Campaign only). Ain't No WallflowerWho are these people? Speak to 50 citizens of Hope County (Solo Campaign only). Been There, Done ThatComplete all Hunting & Fishing Challenges (Campaign only). LiberatorLiberate 5 locations from the Project at Eden's Gate (Campaign only). ScavengerFollow the clues to the end of 3 treasure hunts (Solo Campaign only). What Now?Complete 3 Side Missions in Hope County (Solo Campaign only). The Greatest SOB That Ever LivedLaugh in danger's face by executing a Clutch Nixon stunt in each region (Solo Campaign only). Pack RatGrab 1 of each collectible item. You never know when it will come in handy (Solo Campaign only). A Wing And A PrayerFly Nick's plane. Hopefully you're not afraid of heights (Solo Campaign only). TroublemakerDiscover the joys of destroying cult property in every region (Solo Campaign only). Sewer RatDestroy a cult water treatment pump and make them thirst for revenge (Solo Campaign only). Peachy KeenBait Peaches into going back home (Solo Campaign only). Kicking the Hornet's NestTrigger the wrath of a Herald (Solo Campaign only). ARCADE PlayerReach level 20 in the Arcade (Arcade only). ARCADE HeroPlay the 'Arcade Hero' mode 5 times (Arcade only). ARCADE HunterKill 100 enemies in Arcade Multiplayer maps (Arcade only). ARCADE EnthusiastSuccessfully complete 10 featured Arcade maps in Solo or Co-op (Arcade only). ARCADE CompetitorWin 10 featured maps in Multiplayer (Arcade only). The Hurk LockerTruly bond with Hurk by destroying 15 vehicles together (Campaign only). Hope County Master AnglerAcquire all 4 Fishing Rods (Campaign only). Locked and LoadedFully customize your weapon (Campaign only). Ghost KillPerform a Headshot kill with any bow or rifle on an enemy cultist more than 150m away (Campaign only). Extra CraftyCraft 25 recipes (Campaign only). Fashion FirstPurchase $1000 in clothing (Campaign only). Big SpenderSpend $50000 in Vehicle Shops (Campaign only). Stocked GarageBuy 3 vehicles to populate your garage (Campaign only). Ace KillerDestroy 10 planes while driving any aerial vehicle (Campaign only). Squash and RunRun over and kill 20 enemies (Campaign only). Fertilizing the LandUsing a tractor, obliterate 5 enemies (Campaign only). Death From AboveDrop a bomb from a plane and destroy or disable 4 vehicles at once (Campaign only). Opportunity KnocksUsing rocks or cans, distract 15 enemies (Campaign only). Road GunnerWhile driving or leaning out of a vehicle, kill 25 enemies (Campaign only). Fish MarketSell 20 fish for cash (Campaign only). Where's the Beef?Tenderize a bull with your bare hands. To death (Campaign only). Ignoble BeastsKill a bison using only melee weapons (Campaign only). Hitting it OffPlay 3 quests with a friend (Campaign only). Like A BirdUse a wingsuit to travel more than 5000m (Campaign only). Close and PersonalPerform 25 close combat Takedown Kills (Campaign only). Explosive SurpriseSabotage 5 vehicles in a way that kills an enemy (Campaign only). SurvivalistPurchase half of all perks available (Campaign only). InfamousComplete New Game+ with Infamous difficulty. Add-on Hours of Darkness 117 70 7 0.00390156 (40%) Silent DeathPerform 25 stealth kills while you have the 4 survival instinct tokens. 80s HeroComplete the game in Action Movie Mode. Wendell's StoryComplete the game. RoguelikeComplete the game in Survivor Mode. Leave no one behindFree the 3 US prisoner of war. Make them countKill a total of 25 enemies with airstrikes. Welcome to NamGet back your gear at the helicopter crash site. Add-on Lost On Mars 123 70 7 0.00339149 (44%) DLC: Mars:Bug SquasherPerform 10 takedowns on Arachnids using the Power Glove. DLC: Mars: Mars Second AmendmentBuy 12 weapons. DLC: Mars: Martian JournalCollect all of Larry's notes (Host Only). DLC: Mars: Nick's StoryComplete the game (Host Only). DLC: Mars: Slimy DeathHit 10 Arachnids with Crabmones. DLC: Mars: The Queen is Dead!Kill all the Queens (Host Only). DLC: Mars: Welcome to MarsReboot the Terminal on top of the Control Center Antenna. Add-on Dead Living Zombies 137 70 7 0.0024596 (39%) DLC Zombies: FertiliZerKill 10 Gougers or Hot Heads with the tractor in Fields of Terror. DLC Zombies: Early ExZit DeniedTry to escape the bridge early in Burned Bridges. DLC Zombies: Blood ZragonKill the Blood Dragon in Killer Climate. DLC Zombies: Killer BeeZDestroy all the Zom-bee nests in Laboratory of the Dead. DLC Zombies: ReZolutionComplete all 7 movie pitches. DLC Zombies: DeceaZed to ExZistKill 5000 total Gougers, Hot Heads, or Behemoths in any mode. DLC Zombies: Gold MedaliZtGet a gold medal in all 7 movie pitches in Score Attack.