FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Achievements Here is the full list of all 61 FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Planet's HopeEarn all FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH achievements. Never Meet Your HeroesComplete Chapter 1. Swampy SituationComplete Chapter 2. Make Mine BlackComplete Chapter 3. The President's CommendationComplete Chapter 4. Cryptic CameoComplete Chapter 5. Fun in the SunComplete Chapter 6. The Price of ProgressComplete Chapter 7. Worth the Weight?Complete Chapter 8. Crying OutComplete Chapter 9. Stars Fell from My EyesComplete Chapter 10. You're Not MurasakiComplete Chapter 11. Hearts Out, Dukes UpComplete Chapter 12. I'm Here for YouComplete Chapter 13. Confluence of WorldsComplete Chapter 14. I Got ThisWin a battle. Exploitative PracticesExploit an enemy's weakness. Unfettered FriendshipFree a bound ally. Staggered LearningStagger an enemy. Break It DownUse a limit break. Fledgling SummonerInvoke a summon. Team PlayerUse a synergy skill. No "I" in "Synergy"Use a synergy ability. Entering New MarketsComplete a quest. Weapons 101Max out a weapon ability's proficiency. A Materia WorldLevel up an orb of materia. New BloodRaise your Queen's Blood rank. Caching InComplete your search of a cache location. I Brake for ChocobosRepair three chocobo stops. Expert Ex-kweh-vatorUse a chocobo to find two treasures buried by rabbits. You Work for Me NowDefeat a summon in battle and obtain its materia. Intelligence AideGather world intel at five separate locations. Intelligence SpecialistGather world intel at fifty separate locations. Director of Regional IntelligenceGather all pieces of world intel in a region. Founder's BonusObtain a protorelic in the grasslands. Fort Condor CommanderObtain a protorelic in the Junon region. Cactuar CrusherObtain a protorelic in the Corel region. Honorary TurkObtain a protorelic in the Gongaga region. The Gambit Paid OffObtain a protorelic in the Cosmo Canyon region. Professional HandlerObtain a protorelic in the Nibel region. Bladesman of LegendDefeat Gilgamesh. Moogle LoverMax out your moogle emporium merchant rank. Materia CompletionistDevelop all possible materia together with Chadley. 7th, Assemble!Recruit all Midgar 7th Infantry units for the parade in Junon. Stealing the ShowWin the prize for outstanding performance in the Junon parade. Card RoyaltyWin the Queen's Blood tournament held on board the Shinra-8. Critically AcclaimedReceive a review of S or higher for your performance in Loveless at the Gold Saucer. 1-Star StartupDonate 10 items to the treasure trove at Johnny's Seaside Inn. 3-Star HotelDonate 30 items to the treasure trove at Johnny's Seaside Inn. 5-Star HotelDonate 60 items to the treasure trove at Johnny's Seaside Inn. 7-Star HotelInform Johnny that you have donated all possible items to his treasure trove. Polygonal PrizefighterDefeat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler. Piano VirtuosoPlay all six Piano Outreach Association songs well enough to receive remuneration. Are You Not Entertained?Complete all bouts in the Musclehead Colosseum. Hall of FamerWin all chocobo races. My Job Here Is DoneComplete all quests. Grind It OutAttain level 70 with a character. Staggering SuccessDeal 300% or more damage to a staggered enemy. Well-RoundedMaster all weapon abilities and limit breaks, including those found in folios. Of Hardy StockComplete all chapters on Hard difficulty. Virtually RenownedComplete all of Chadley's combat simulations.