FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water Achievements Here is the full list of all 39 FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 39 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 4 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 1 Shop 5 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Frame FatalistUnlocked all achievements in "FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water." Upgrade UltraistMade maximum upgrades to camera and lenses. Peerless PerfectionistCleared all episodes with a top rating. Crazed CompletistCleared all episodes with a 100% completion rate. Record ReaperCollected all files. Glancing GreatGlanced all targets. Second SightPhotographed all specters. ClairvoyantPhotographed all traces. Top Type-07 TalentDefeated Ose Kurosawa using only Type-07 Film. Black-Water BesterDefeated 30 ghosts while tainted. Optimal OpportunistTook 100 Shutter Chance shots. Fatal Frame FiendTook 100 Fatal Frame shots. Black Water BrideCompleted all endings as Yuri. Love after LifeCompleted all bride endings as Ren. Floral ReminiscenceCompleted all Shiragiku endings as Ren. Missing Mother, Missing ChildCompleted all endings as Miu. Thread TreaderCompleted ending as Ayane. Lurking in the DeepCleared the Prologue. A Vanishing TraceCleared the First Drop. Mt. HikamiCleared the Second Drop. Postmortem PhotographyCleared the Third Drop. Spirited AwayCleared the Fourth Drop. The Veiled HouseCleared the Fifth Drop. Immortal FlowerCleared the Sixth Drop. Maiden of Black WaterCleared the Seventh Drop. The Witching HourCleared the Eighth Drop. The Sacred CasketCleared the Ninth Drop. Ghost MarriageCleared the Tenth Drop. The ShadowbornCleared the Eleventh Drop. To the Other SideCleared the Twelfth Drop. The Dark SunCleared the Thirteenth Drop. One to NothingDefeated a ghost in one shot. Burst ShooterPhotographed the same subject 10 times in a row. Unusual UsageTook a psychic photograph with Type-00 Film. Vengeance EvaderDodged a ghost hand 5 times. GluttonConsumed Herbal Medicine 20 times within a single episode. Extra ExorcismDefeated multiple ghosts simultaneously. Contest ContenderOpened Snap Mode for the first time. Exorcism EmbarkationDefeated a ghost for the first time.