Etrian Odyssey HD Achievements Here is the full list of all 22 Etrian Odyssey HD achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Conqueror of YggdrasilObtained all other achievements. Emerald GroveReached the First Stratum. Primitive JungleReached the Second Stratum. Azure RainforestReached the Third Stratum. Sandy BarrensReached the Fourth Stratum. Lost ShinjukuReached the Fifth Stratum. Claret HollowsReached the Sixth Stratum. Absolute PowerDefeated the boss of the Sixth Stratum on Expert difficulty. The Truth of YggdrasilDefeated the Etreant. The Calamity of the LabyrinthDefeated the Yggdrasil Core. Forest CryptidsDefeated an Yggdrasil Bud, Yggdrasil Sprout, and Yggdrasil Clover. A Valiant EffortRetired an adventurer. Rest in Body and MindLet an adventurer rest. Curse WielderUnlocked the Hexer class. Pursuer of StrengthUnlocked the Ronin class. Filthy RichObtained more than 250,000 Ental. A Proper AdventurerCompleted the quest "The bandit's treasure". Crushing BlowDealt 1,000 damage with a single hit. Cataclysmic ForceDefeated a boss in a single turn. Wyrm VanquisherDefeated the Wyrm. Drake VanquisherDefeated the Drake. Dragon VanquisherDefeated the Dragon.