Entropy : Zero 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 39 Entropy : Zero 2 achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 39 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 1 Stackable 3 Collectable 4 Missable 4 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Radio ReconFind the 19 audio recordings at Arbeit 1. Beat CopComplete the game on Normal difficulty or higher. Bad CopComplete the game on Hard difficulty. Never had it anyway.Relive the past. New body. New Boots.Fight to the extraction point in Nova Prospekt. Then came the CombineLead the invasion of Arbeit Communications. DetourEscape the chamber catacomb beneath Arbeit 1. On a RoadDrive to Arbeit 2. Custody AssistantCapture Judith Mossman. Problem SoulStop your predecessor. DeliveranceBring Wilson to the upload station at the end of the game. Still AliveHe's in the system. There will be painKill the Advisor. There will be darknessWipe the slate. Friends in low placesMeet Wilson. Supposed BrothersDecide against pulling the trigger. Now there are two of them!Kill both of the gonomes in the Xentarium. Rebar HuntsmanKill 25 alien creatures with the crossbow. Kill it with a GUNKill the gigantic man-eating monster. Drift KingFlip your APC. Worth the WeightConsume 10,000 kg with Xen grenades. Far Distant EyesWitness the secret temporal overlay in the monitoring station. No Chance of EscapeNeutralize Dr. Mossman's helicopter on the Arbeit 3 helipad. Temporal TroublesFind and kill all 4 instances of the Temporal Crab. Cell DivisionReach the extraction point with four soldiers. Science TeamReach the secret lab within Arbeit 1 with five soldiers. Ghost HuntEnter the domain of the Project on your way to Arbeit 2. My Evil TwinMeet the Miscreant Agent. Dirty HarryKill 18 rebels using the 357. Please KnockKick open 60 doors. Overwatch says "Stop kicking it"Kick the Advisor. Party TrickKill a long-jump rebel whilst they are in mid-air. The ProjectAnd there it is. Scar ZeroReunite with Scar Zero at Entropic Control. Closet ClearerFind and open all of the Wilson closets. InterdependencyGet health from a surrendered medic. Visitor PassEarn bronze medals on all challenge maps. Bootstrap ProgramEarn silver medals on all challenge maps. Mirage ClearanceEarn gold medals on all challenge maps.